MAJOR retailers are seeking planning consent for enough new shops in Warrington to provide for comparison shopping for the next 10 years.
Collectively, current applications can be compared to roughly the size of a third of the extension to the Golden Square shopping centre in the town centre.
This is revealed in a report to the borough council’s development management committee.
Unfortunately, the retailers all want out-of-centre locations – despite the fact that Warrington is one of the 10 worst town’s in the country for empty town centre shops.
Planners say there are already a large number of out-of-centre shops competing directly with the town centre.
Continuing to allow more will have a cumulative impact on the town centre which could affect the viability of key corporate schemes, such as Bridge Street, the officers warn.
It will also set precedents for and reignite interest in development retail sites at Gemini and in adjacent areas, undermining national policy which is to promote vital and viable town centres.
Vacant sites in the town centre include the former Boots building in Bridge Street, the empty TJ Hughes store in Sankey Street, the Technical College site in Palmyra Square, the Legh Street Baths site, sites in Buttermarket Street, Barbauld Street, Wilson Patten Street and a number of vacant units in Golden Square.
MAJOR retailers are seeking planning consent for enough new shops in
Warrington to provide for comparison shopping for the next 10 years.
10 years' supply of shops planned