Council budget comes under fire


LABOUR councillors lined up to attack the Lib Dem/Conservative budget proposals at a stormy meeting of the borough council..
Leading the attack was Labour finance spokesman Cllr Peter Carey, who accused the controlling group of attempting to hide crucial information from councillors and the people of Warrington.
Referring to the 42 compulsory redundancies and 181 forecast job losses over the coming year, revealed by Warrington-Worldwide last week, Cllr Carey (pictured, right) said: “Adhering to central government policy is blighting many peoples’ lives and creating a massive £24 million redundancy bill for the council – money which it does not have and is being forced to borrow….where is the sense in that?”
Labour leader Cllr Terry O’Neill said the government was switching grant funding away from councils in the North West to more affluent areas in the South.
“The Local Government Association has calculated that the impact of this on Warrington is a grant loss of £28.50 for every man, woman and child living within the town,” he said.
Cllr Mike Hannon claimed the budget report skewed the data supposedly obtained from public consultation. In spite of coalition claims that this was an open and extensive process it actually only reached a very small proportion of the population.
He said: “The results of this superficial consultation process were clearly influenced by vested interests and the outcome was entirely predictable.”
Referring to the forthcoming elections in May, Cllr Carey promised that a Labour administration would find the funding to enable 20 ‘white collar’ apprentices to be taken on from school each September. He estimated that this would cost £160,000 in its first year – not an insurmountable amount with a budget exceeding £150 million per annum.
Cllr Carey said an incoming Labour administration would also immediately review the £175 million Lib -Dem/Tory capital spending proposals in order to introduce a £2.5 million package of measures to address some of the priorities important to the people of Warrington.
These included £250,000 for the first phase of improvements to Walton Gardens, £1 million additional funding for resurfacing roads, £250,000 for street lighting improvements, £250,000 for increasing the number of litter bins and the council’s litter clearing capability to improve the look of the town, £250,000 for increasing the council’s winter gritting capability, £250,000 for creating new allotments, £200,000 for facility improvement in the independent youth and community sector, £50,000 to extend the provision of credit unions throughout the town and safeguard funding for Police Community Support Officers.
Labour councillors repeatedly accused the controlling group of secrecy over the budget to the extent that they had been unable to get enough data to present an alternative budget.
Coalition group members were swift to hit back.
Council leader Ian Marks (pictured left) said: “I completely reject the accusations of secrecy. There has been the most extensive consultation over the budget that has ever been held. I am very proud of the consultation we have carried out.”
He added that Warrington was a highly successful town under the present leadership with major private investors wanting to invest in its continuing development.
Cllr Bob Barr, Lib Dem, said Cllr Carey had produced an extrordinary “wish list” which was blatantly dishonest, without inidicating how he would pay for them.
Executive member for finance, Cllr Paul Campbell said he was disappointed Labour had not presented an alternative budget.
The last Labour government had left the country in a financial mess and the last Labour administration at Warrington had left the town in a mess. Now they were promising to spend an extra £2.5 million – money they did not have.
He said: “What Labour is saying is ‘Vote for me and I’ll do it again.”
Cllr Campbell said the controlling group had prepared carefully over the last four years and, as a result, Warrington was much better placed to deal with the national economic recession than many other councils such as Manchester and Liverpool.
Labour councillors abstained from the budget vote to show their fundamental disagreement with the coalition government philosophy of front loading the cuts and switching resources to better off areas in the South so budgeted net spending of £154.822 million was approved without opposition – requiring an unchanged Band D council tax of £1,136.64
After the meeting, Cllr O’Neill said: “Students and school leavers are being hit particularly hard by the loss of education maintenance grants and the hike in university fees.
“We feel it is our duty to help them get a foot on the career ladder. We intend to offer them two year training and work experience contracts which in its second year will give 40 young people an opportunity they would not otherwise get. We will also open discussions with other employers in the town to see if this can be rolled out in other employment sectors.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. I understand that Labour has failed us again locally? Why did they not put a budget forward? They say that X monies will but allocated – ok – so firstly where will your cuts be made?? As a Tax payer your telling me we promise this we promise the other but your not credable you can’t even produce a budget on such an important meeting. The only thing that you have delivered locally is a deficit.

  2. Who ever you are and wrote this comment, you got a Job? you have a disability? you have a OAP all these are going to be affected by these cuts while the Lib/Con are in power. I am still waiting for my Wheelchair to be ordered, I have been back to work 3 times and had to be carried out 3 times due to mydisability. my mum has got to pay some council tax on what little money she has each week from DWP. It was the Bankers who got us into this mess and they should be the ones to have their wages cut by a third and given back to the people that work every day.

  3. I agree with you on the bankers – Also we must remember that Ed BALLS DID TELL THE bANKERS – WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO HELP YOU WITH IN EARLY 2000 WHEN HE AND gORDON bROWN WERE AT THE TREASURY .

  4. Councillor Peter Carey – he must be on a good number from the council – he was in charge of the books when Labour were in power – I wonder if his pay off was damaged like millions of us when Labour stole BILLIONS from the pension funds of us all. At least with Dick Turpin you had a chance to stop being ripped off>>>>>>>

  5. If Labour disagreed with the budget – Can somebody please help me understand why they ABSTAINED?????? I take it they agree with it? But then if you don’t come forward with an Alternative Budget then I guess you don’t have a few? Thanks Labour you have let us down again

  6. I must be naive. I always thought council officers were supposed to be impartial. Yet we have a former chief officer retiring and immediately coming back as a Labour councillor – and not a particularly moderate one at that. Shame!

  7. Emanon – I don’t think you are naive at all – you make a good point – you would think they should be barred from taking up such positions.

  8. “Yet we have a former chief officer retiring and immediately coming back as a Labour councillor ”

    He retired in 2001 as Director of Finance & IT, think he worked for the Council for nearly 40 years. So 9 years before he returned. I guess as the Labour finance spokesman he can speak on the subject with some experience.

  9. Wise Up Warrington on

    Of the 40 years – how much of that was spent under Labour – I think he should only remain to speak on things heaven help us if he and the deficit men get a hand on Warrington – Did you know P stands for people not power – Also I believe Labour are full of self gratification at present!!!!!

  10. Well I understand he is making a good living from them – it enables him to meet his miner friends all over the country. Have you heard the one about an overnight in Huyton and making the claim for overnight accomadation when Warrington is only 11 Miles away. Its a joke and needs to be looked at. What he has had over the past two years would have saved one job at the council I think …….. But I understand thats what they are like – do as we say but not as we do (Labour that is)

  11. As your lot are in power at the town hall, and in charge of finances etc. It’s not going to escape anyone’s notice that whilst you are continually bandying about what are merely your ridiculous suppositions Cllr O’Neil’s travel expense account has been passed without question. Now if there had been any items whatsoever that were not regarded as entirely reasonable It’s obvious that your chums would have been shouting about it themselves and not having to rely on your snide insinuations. As the idea that his account has been overlooked is so bl**** ridiculous to be believable people will only ponder upon other reasons;- has it not crossed your mind that maybe Cllr O’Neil’s travel expenses seem higher because he spends his time out and about doing things rather than just sitting on his backside!!!

  12. Roll on May when Labour will take control in Warrington. It is a pity that Labour did not put forward an alternative Budget. However, we cannot continue under the present administration. I live in NE Warrington and the outrageous things that take place in this part of the Town would never happen in Lymm or Grappenhall! The waste of our money really is unbelievable with officers of the Council doing exactly what they want. I thought we elected Councillors to represent our views and to improve our living environment. Or is that too naive? If you want to save some money then cut the Chief Executives pay by, say, 20% or get rid of that unnecessary role altogether. Cut Directors pay by 10%. Get rid of Councillors allowances and go back to expenses only. Cut the number of Councillors to 1 per ward. Get rid of the Cabinet sytem of government at the Town Hall. The list is endless and its not difficult to to find savings. It really is going to be difficult for those in the Town on benefit and fixed incomes with nobody wanting to help.

  13. have they now – thats not what I’ve heard – what about the time he claimed to stop in a hotel in Huyton for a coalfields meeting (wanted a little drink or two or three with my old friends) and because the Lib Dems got wind of him screwing the system he retracted the claim = shame on you cllr O’neill its public money your doing well out of

  14. He spends more time in Yorkshire – whats that got to do with Warrington????????? so all of this travelling is bring investment to Warrington is it – thats why because of him Omega was almost buggered

  15. I hear the Trade Union are now using ipods in Council meetings – At least they see the benefits not like Cllr Patel – time you got up to speed Labour but then again you either abstain or simply don’t offer an alternative!!!!!

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