LEGAL eagles from Woolston High School have won a place in the regional finals of the national Mock Trial competition after impressing a panel of law experts at Warrington Magistrates court.
Mayor Celia Jordan opened the competition involving four schools, three from Warrington, who were all competing for a place in the regional final in Manchester in May.
Woolston, Beamont and Lowton high schools were given a case to play out in front of a panel made up of magistrates, solicitors and barristers.
Judge Nicholas Woodward presented the 60 students, aged 12 to 14, who took part, with a medal and certificate, while also handing winners Woolston High School a special trophy.
Tony Clarke, chairman of the Community Panel, which jointly ran the event with the Magistrates Foundation, said: “The whole day was held in a competitive atmosphere and I have to say the standard was very high.”
High school lawyers win mock trial contest