WARRINGTON North MP Charlotte Nichols has arranged to meet Severn Trent about their proposals for an Anaerobic Waste Digestion Plant in Winwick, Warrington.
Severn Trent has proposed a new anaerobic waste digestion plant near Junction 22 of the M6 by Winwick. Anaerobic waste digestion plants work by turning food waste into renewable gas, which can be used to power homes and businesses.
Residents and councillors have raised concerns about the site with Ms Nichols and in local media. Therefore she has arranged a meeting with Severn Trent to raise concerns about the proposal.
Ms Nichols said: “I understand and sympathise with my constituents’ concerns about the proposed waste digestion plant in Winwick. Not only are there worries about smells, but also the potential impact it will have on the nearby Bronze Age burial ground.
“This is why I have made contact with Severn Trent as a matter of urgency. Their Operations Director has now agreed to meet with me in Parliament in the coming weeks to discuss the proposal.
“In addition, Severn Trent have invited me to visit one of their existing sites. I will update residents further once this visit has been confirmed.
“These sites do have the potential to reduce our carbon footprint by creating renewable gas but these sites must also be built where the impact on nearby residents is minimal. This means building sites away from populated areas where possible; and ensuring odours are contained.
“I will be ensuring the views of residents are heard and their concerns fully addressed throughout this process. If you wish to share your concerns with me please email: [email protected]’
Severn Trent presently have eleven anaerobic digestion facilities operational. They have one under construction in Spondon, Derbyshire.
Earlier this month local cllr Stuart Mann urged residents from Winwick and neighbouring wards to attend an event which took place yesterday (Monday) at Winwick Leisure Centre over the proposed development of an Anaerobic Digestive Plant by Severn Trent on Green Belt near residential properties in the village.
1 Comment
Having only one day for consultation at short notice is unacceptable. We use Higher lane a lot and have noticed some work at the by pass end which we thought was down to the farmer! Plus the lane is very narrow and there was a head on crash just before Xmas.