Dog day care centre plan for former offices


PLANNING chiefs at Warrington are studying proposals to change the use of a former office building to a dog day care centre.

The proposed scheme in Manchester Road, Warrington is for a care centre for up to 20 dogs adjoining an existing care sales business.
It includes land at the front of the building
There would be no external alterations to the building, other than the erection of fencing.
Planners have been told the applicant is a life-long animal lover who is well aware that dogs can be disruptive. But dogs barked through frustration or being lonely and the dogs at the centre would be cared for and looked after in a stress-free, fun environment and would not feel the need to bark.
They would have no impact on the nearest residential properties in Beresford Street
Dogs would be carefully selected based on factors such as age, size, temperament and breed to maintain a safe and harmonious environment.
Adult dogs would be required to be neutered, and all dogs would have to have up-to-date vaccinations, with proof provided by the owner.
Access to the property would be via the back door and side gates, using two allocated parking spaces.
Planning consultants believed the proposals were acceptable and would be of considerable benefit to the area.
Borough council planning officers are now considering the proposals.


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1 Comment

  1. Of course it will impact local residents! Up to 20 dogs barking at one given time! Not to mention the stench of dog urine etc! The arrogance of this is shocking! No regard given to the local residents. Local businesses think they can ride roughshod over local residents as usual!!

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