Pub shuffles things up with new gaming addition


A Warrington pub which was taken off the market by its owners following a public outcry is bringing a taste of the amusement arcade to its premises – with the installation of a shuffleboard.

And pub manager of The Stonemill Kailey Ashurst is sure the popular game, which involves sending weighted discs gliding down a narrow court, will be a huge hit with the increasing number of younger drinkers visiting the pub.
She said: “Shuffleboards are such a lot of fun – they are so fast-moving and energetic.  And they also add to the lively atmosphere in our pub – creating a hub of friendly competition in a lovely, relaxing way”
The Stonemill is owned by Manchester-based brewer Joseph Holt which runs 127 pubs across the North West. It will be the first pub in the estate to house a shuffleboard – which are more usually found in large gaming centres. The move reflects a growing trend among pubs to bring more interactive games onto their sites along with traditional attractions such as darts and pool.
Popularity soared for The Stone Mill, when news of its sale was first released in 2023. Located on Forton Retail Park,  it was purpose-built around nine years ago and is the only pub Joseph Holt’s estate to have been built in a retail park.

The pub is also a food, entertainment and music venue. It has an in-house stone-baked pizza oven and holds regular cabaret lunch sessions where customers can enjoy a two-course meal, entertainment and bingo.
Shuffleboards date back to  Tudor times when Henry VIII played “shovillabourde” for stakes, and custom “shovelboard” tables were kept in wealthy English households until the 17th century. And given it`s 175 year history, Joseph Holt – which was established in 1849-  is delighted to continue the tradition.
Said Mark Norbury, pub director from Joseph Holt: “The Stonemill was always a popular pub and we have always believed strongly in listening to what our customers want. When they baulked at the potential sale of the pub we took it off the market and since then it has gone from strength to strength. And  with the addition of a shuffleboard, there are even more reasons to visit this lovely pub.”


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