UP to six weeks of road and footpath closures are scheduled to start on various roads in the Poulton North area of Warrington starting on February 3.
The closures between 8:30 am to 5:30 pm are required for road or footway surfacing works and locla diversion routes will be in place.
Warrington Borough Council has given notice it intends to make an Order under Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The effect of which will be to introduce the following:
Prohibition of Driving & Clearway: Elizabeth Drive for its entire length; Enfield Park Road from Cinnamon Lane to Stirrup Close; Harpers Road from Carpenter Grove to Freshfields Drive; Station Road South from Blackbrook Avenue to Birchwood Way subway; Anderson Close from property numbers 33/63 to the end of the cul-de-sac at property numbers 40 and 44.
The Order will be effective from 3rd February 2025. The restrictions are for a period of 6 weeks, between 8:30am and 5:30pm, however, will be in place as and when signed on site. Access will be under the control of the relevant Contractor for the duration of the works. The alternative routes will be as follows: Enfield Park Road via Enfield Park Road, Blackbrook Avenue and vice versa; Harpers Road via Woolston Grange Avenue, Birchwood Way, Blackbrook Avenue, Station Road South and vice versa; Station Road South via Harpers Road, Woolston Grange Avenue, Birchwood Way, Blackbrook Avenue and vice versa. The restrictions are required for road or footway surfacing.