Have your say on police and crime plan


As Cheshire Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Dan Price is your voice in policing.

Dan is asking residents for feedback on his ‘police and crime plan on a page’ to help him determine whether his focuses are in the right area, ensuring that communities get efficient and effective service.
The plan on a page focuses on three pillars, which encompasses the PCC’s priorities:

  • Reduce Crime – this includes preventing crime and providing interventions as well as providing an accessible and responsive police service.
  • Listen to the public – providing support for victims and ensuring the public has a voice in setting local priorities.
  • Modernise – embracing technology and innovation and building public trust and confidence.

You can take a look at the plan on a page, and give your feedback on the Cheshire PCC website www.cheshire-pcc.gov.uk/get-involved/have-your-say/police-and-crime-plan-2024-2028/
The survey closes at 12 noon on Friday 20th December 2024.
It’s the PCC’s responsibility to publish a Plan that sets out people’s priorities for policing and crime across the county. This sets the strategic direction for Cheshire Constabulary and will be used by the PCC to hold the Chief Constable to account for the performance of the force.


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