WORK is set to start at the controversial CYCLOPS junction at the Lovely Lane, Bewsey Road crossroads near Warrington Hospital, from this Monday (Aug 12) while repairs take place to surface failures.
The works, starting on Monday, will take place between the hours of 7 pm-1 am to minimise traffic disruption and while a closure notice has been put in place for up to two weeks, the works are expected to be completed over three days.
Warrington Hospital and Warrington’s Own Buses have taken to social media to raise awareness of the closures (see below).
Road closures will be required at the junction of Bewsey Road and Lovely Lane from August 12, while the work is redone by contractors, at no additional cost to the council.
While welcomed by members of the cycling community and highway planners, news of the town’s first CYCLOPS junction, caused uproar on social media, with many decrying it as a “waste of money”.
The work was carried out after highway planners said the existing movement through the junction by cycle was ‘difficult and at times dangerous’, stating that a Cycle Optimised Protected Signals (CYCLOPS) junction had been identified as the ‘most appropriate’ solution.
The cost to complete all of the scheme works was £928,893, made up of £759,500 from the Department for Transports’ Active Travel Fund, and £169,393 from capital borrowing.
The scheme allows cyclists to approach the junction from four ‘arms’, converging onto a cycle track which completely encircles the junction, allowing bikes to make a right turn while being protected from traffic, and to complete the manoeuvre in one movement (dependent on signal timings).
The project was part of the council’s Local Transport Plan (LTP) and aims to make it easier and safer for children and adults to walk and cycle more so that they can use their car less, with the aim to achieve wider health and environmental benefits.
Services 16 We have been informed by WBC that the crossroads at Lovely Lane and Bewsey Road will be closed from Monday, 12th August 2024 for up to two weeks for roadworks between 1900 and 2300 on Mon to Fri. Sat & Sun as normal route. See our website for diversion details
— Warrington’s Own Buses (@WarringtonBuses) August 9, 2024
The Cyclops junction at Lovely Lane/Lodge Lane/Folly Lane/Bewsey Road will be closed from 7pm to 1am starting 12 August, for up to three nights due to roadworks. Signed diversions in place.
— WHH 🏥 (@WHHNHS) August 9, 2024
It says making cycle lanes more safer for bikes but put pedestrians nearer the traffic is a accident waiting to happen especially as it is near a school.
The 1 in St Helens was HATED and Warrington BC think this is a good idea, literally it’s do-gooders gesture to others which they’ll actually never stop hating oh and btw cyclists never use them as they should and lately drivers just end up avoiding them…