THIRTEEN objections have been received from nearby residents to plans for a electricity sub-station at a Warrington primary school.
Residents fear the proposed sub-station at Meadowside Primary School and Nursery, in Clough Avenue, Orford will block light from the windows and gardens of nearby houses, that there is potential for noise and that there could be a health risk from electromagnetic fields, leaking of toxic wastes and gasses and explosions.
They also point out that National Grid recommend that sub-stations should be built at least 75 metres away from houses for minimum disruption and that t his will not be adhered to.
Traffic issues and queries about the need for the sub-station are also raised.
A report to be considered by Warrington Borough Council’s development management committee states the sub-station would be located close to the northern boundary of the school site, close to the main school entrance. There would be no loss of formal playing fields.
Planning officers are recommending the scheme be approved. The develop would replace the school’s existing gas boiler system, supporting the national commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050.
Even small-scale projects can provide a valuable contribution to cutting greenhouse gas emissions, they say.
Once built, it was unlikely the sub-station would need to be accessed on a regular basis so there would not be a significant increase in traffic.
It is not considered there would be any significant impact on the residential amenity of the nearby houses.