Report potholes to the council, says police commissioner


MOTORISTS in Warrington should report potholes to the council, says Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer.

Mr Dwyer is encouraging residents to report issues after hearing from drivers involved in collisions after trying to avoid potholes.

He said: “It’s concerning to hear that the actions motorists are taking to avoid making contact with bad potholes can actually cause an even greater danger on our roads.
“While potholes aren’t a policing issue on their own, I encourage everyone to report them to their local council so they can gather the intelligence about where they are and come up with a solution to fix them. We all have a part to play in making Cheshire’s roads even safer.”

•Warrington residents can report highway issues on the council website


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1 Comment

  1. I believe there is a form in Cheshire constabulary called a Traffic Management Form.
    A self carbonating form of 3 pages .
    If s police officer sees a traffic light not working or identifies a traffic hazard that needs to be look at more closely and recommends a safety scheme for the hazard.
    The top copy went to the RSO ( road safety officer) the 2nd copy went to the council .the 3 Rd copy stayed in the book for future reference.
    Does the form still. Exist ? Do present police officers still use it ?
    We all have a responsibility towards road safety that includes the POLICE !

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