THE opposition Tory group at Warrington Borough Council has challenged two decisions of the recent Cabinet meeting and “called them in” to the scrutiny committee to be held tomorrow, Tuesday, March 5.
The Tories are challenging a decision regarding the transfer of the former bus depot site and a proposal to grant a two-year agreement to Wire Regeneration to acquire the site.
Wire Regeneration is the Council’s joint venture with Langtree and another investor via a company known as LPP Wire Ltd. The agreement has an option to extend for another year.
They are also challenging a cabinet decision regarding the Extension to the Loan Availability Period to Auxesia Homes Ltd.
The Tories say one of their concerns is are interrelationships between the Council, Warrington Borough Transport and Wire Regeneration, these matters were the subject of a recent Conservative motion at Full Council the Conservative Group calling for an independent report on the Governance Arrangements between these entities and amongst other things specifically the ways in which conflicts of interest have been identified and addressed. The motion was defeated by the Labour block vote but the serious issues of the many conflicts of interest remain when the Chief Executive of the Council and Cabinet members sit on the Board of Wire Regeneration.
Another key concern is the scope, viability and cost risks associated with the Council’s Southern Gateway regeneration plans.
Meanwhile, concern has also been expressed at the Cabinet-approved loan facilities of £29M to Auxesia in January 2022. Auxesia Homes Ltd being a start-up, for-profit housing association, registered out of town, making losses before tax of £1.4M in its last filed accounts to 30th September 2022 those accounts being filed in May 2023.

Cllr. Mark Jervis
Cllr. Mark Jervis, the Tory transport and environment, spokesman, leading the call-in of the old bus Depot agreement with Wire regeneration commented: “At their February 2024 meeting, the Labour Cabinet failed to address serious questions of scope, cost, value for money and governance when discussing the disposal of the old bus depot site. The way forward for this important regeneration project deserves much greater thought before proceeding in the way approved by the Cabinet.”
Meanwhile Cllr. Ken Critchley, Tory finance spokesman, leading the call-in of the Auxesia homes loan extension, commented: “There are serious questions to be answered as to why the Cabinet believes it is in the best interest of Warrington to extend loan facilities to this out of area, start-up company, to do so would seem to fly in the face of the Councils own Capital strategy which states that the Councils risk appetite is Moderate.
“With other locally based not-for-profit housing providers operating in Warrington, it is not clear why Warrington Borough Council would wish to extend its loan facility to Auxesia beyond its current maturity date of October 2024.
“Not extending would appear to be the prudent course of action to maintaining the security and liquidity of the public money currently being lent to Auxesia.”
A Warrington Borough Council spokesperson said: “The two items subject to call-in will be heard and considered in detail by the Scrutiny Committee tomorrow, 5 March.”
1 Comment
What’s the saying ? Look after your own ?
Clearly WBC don’t understand that ? They prefer to give it to third parties who have no connection with Warrington at all ?
Warrington will not benefit from the deal in any shape or form .
Roll on the elections in May and get rid of these labour councillors ASAP