7 tips that will make your content stand out


When all of your competitors have a content strategy, what can you do to make yours unique? The most useful answer of all is to put your personal stamp on everything you put out into the world.

By focusing on a snappy blend of brand values amalgamated with clever content production, it is possible to get the results you’ve been hoping for. These seven tips will explain more.

Focus on Headers

When you get the headers right, your content becomes scannable, accessible, and intriguing. When you get the headers wrong, it has an inevitable inverse effect. Headers are the things that people’s eyes first see when they look over your content to see whether it is worth their time to keep on reading. It makes sense, then, that they work for it.

What Does a Good Header Look Like?

There are four key elements to a great content header.

  1. Include at least one keyword.
  2. Keep it short but sweet.
  3. Make it thought-inspiring.
  4. Aim to engage attention.

Once the headers are taken care of, make sure there are a couple of subheadings in there as well because this not only looks great but feeds into the quick paced reading style of online users.

Never Stop the Research Train

A key component to successful, innovative content strategies is the research that goes into making it whole. Yet there is so much fluff and filler floating around, that you may feel as though half of the time you spend researching is just sifting through the spam to get to the good stuff. Make sure you always use sites like the Adobe Express blog, a reliable virtual ground filled with tips, tricks, and handy inspiration for content producers everywhere. By ensuring you are in a constant state of development and striving towards the next best thing, you can keep your content alive.

Take a Look at Your Wider Strategy

It is also useful to take care of how the content that goes live fits into the wider brand strategy regarding marketing. Is it a true reflection of said marketing goals? Or is it deviating from the trajectory in favour of something less relevant? Keeping your content on track is essential. It has to be consistent with brand voice and values, and not fall into common ground. High quality is non-negotiable, so this should be the focus above all else.

Pick a Vibe

Content is one of those areas where it is more than okay to be a master of all trades. You can embrace hash-tagging like a pro while also producing high-quality, informative pieces too. There is a natural way to balance things out and it’s when you hit that spot that your brand authentically shines. Picking a vibe means just that. Choose a direction and commit to it so that you look consistent and reliable and become an authority voice in your niche.

Use Hookable Sentences

If the primary objective is to keep readers focused, then that is exactly what you should be doing. Give people a problem and tell them exactly how you are going to solve it. Don’t give too much away at the beginning but strike a balance so that it is just enticing enough to keep on reading until the end. Make is factually accurate and use informative, persuasive, and assuasive language that will facilitate optimum engagement. Hookable sentences are there to keep people on their toes and make your content, well, readable!

Perfect the Format

Any content that you produce has to be entirely scannable. What does this mean? When someone clicks on your piece, they want to know what it’s all about. They will likely scroll from top to bottom and scan things like headers, a few sentences here and there, and the conclusion. If these are strong, it will be good enough to encourage your audience to read the entire thing. So, the format has to be perfect from the very first word to the very last word.

Multi-Media Mix-ups

It is also a great strategy to include at least images, if not GIFs, and even short clips embedded into the narrative. The population wants quick, accessible content that speaks to their soul. This means a long piece of text just is not going to cut it. It is more important than ever in 2023 to combine media with words and create a whole picture for people to fall in love with. This is the biggest thing that will make your content stand out.

Brands need to set themselves apart from the crowd in 2023. Thousands of businesses use the online world to bolster their kerb appeal, and it really is time to jump on the bandwagon.


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