May Queen rides again – 76 years later


WHEN the Lymm May Queen festival procession takes place on Saturday, May 18 there will be a special person taking part – Dorothy Greenhalgh, aged 91.

Dorothy, now a resident at Keate House Care Home, Lymm, was the first May Queen crowned when the festival resumed after World War 2 in 1948.
She will ride in the procession again – this time in the Keate House mini-bus.
Rachel Entwistle, administrative manager at Keate House, said: “May Queen festival is a special time for Keate House. We always take part in the procession.
“But it will be extra special this year with Dorothy in the mini-bus, taking part again.”

Reflecting on her experience over seven decades ago, Dorothy recalls the sheer delight of having her name drawn from a hat to be May Queen.
Rachel said: “The memories of that day remain etched in her heart, from the visit to the hairdressers to the journey in an open-top car, waving to the crowds that lined the streets.
“ What made the occasion even more unforgettable was the return of Dorothy’s brother, serving in the RAF, who made it home just in time to witness the grand procession. Following the procession, Dorothy’s day was made complete with her first visit to the fair, where she thanked her parents for such a memorable day.”
Keate House Care Home’s involvement in the parade holds deep significance for both residents and staff, who view it as an opportunity to uphold local traditions and a sense of belonging within the community. In the weeks leading up to the event, residents pour their creativity into crafting stunning decorations for the minibus, anticipating the chance to wave and cheer as they drive down the streets.
This year, the festival will be held on the Davies Way Car Park because of the waterlogged condition of the May Queen Field. But for Keate House residents it will still be the highlight of the year.


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