5 oral hygiene tips to protect your teeth by complete smile


Your oral health is a reflection of your overall well-being, and often, the condition of your teeth can signal underlying health concerns. However, day-to-day habits often dictate the longevity and quality of your dental health.

In this article, you’ll find top-tier advice from Complete Smiles, a premier dentist in South Harrow, on how to maintain a radiant smile.

1. Brush Like a Pro

It’s a ritual you’ve likely been doing since childhood: picking up your toothbrush and applying a strip of toothpaste. While brushing might seem like second nature, you might be surprised at how a few adjustments can have a tremendous impact on your dental hygiene.

  • Use the Right Tools: The toothbrush aisle at the supermarket can be overwhelming, with options ranging from manual to electric brushes, each claiming superiority over the others. Don’t get too swept away by marketing gimmicks. A straightforward way to ensure you’re getting a quality brush is to look for the British Dental Association’s (BDA) seal of approval. Brushes with soft bristles are generally recommended because they are less abrasive on your enamel and gums.
  • Technique Matters: Here’s where many people get it wrong: the actual act of brushing. The technique can be more important than the duration. Angle your brush at a 45-degree angle to your gums. Use short, gentle strokes to clean all surfaces of the teeth—front, back, and chewing surfaces. Be especially cautious with the gum line; improper brushing can lead to gum irritation and eventual recession. Remember to replace your toothbrush every three months or sooner if the bristles are frayed.

2. The Often-Overlooked Floss

If brushing is the main act, then flossing is the supporting character that often steals the show. While many of us skip this step, it’s crucial for complete oral hygiene.

  • Frequency: Make it a habit to floss at least once a day. Some prefer doing it after meals to get rid of food particles, but the most important thing is consistency.
  • Method: The technique starts with the right amount of floss: about 18 inches. This length allows you to use a fresh segment for each tooth. Wind the floss around your index fingers, leaving about 1-2 inches to work with. Slide the floss gently up and down between your teeth, following the curve of each tooth to avoid damaging the gums. When you move from one tooth to another, use a fresh segment of floss.

Don’t rush through flossing. Take your time to reach all corners where food particles and plaque may hide. Flossing isn’t just about removing leftover food; it also prevents plaque build-up and gum diseases like gingivitis.

3. Mind What You Eat

The foods we consume not only affect our overall well-being but also have a direct impact on the state of our teeth and gums

  • Avoid Sugar: One of the first culprits to look at is sugar. Consuming too many sugary foods or drinks feeds harmful bacteria that produce acids, eroding your teeth’s enamel and leading to cavities. It’s not just about sweets, either. Many processed foods contain hidden sugars that can be just as damaging.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking water isn’t just for overall health; it has specific benefits for your oral hygiene as well. Water can help to rinse away both bacteria and the remnants of food that bacteria feast upon. Fluoridated water also helps to fight against tooth decay.

When considering your diet, think of foods that are both healthy for your body and your oral health. Foods rich in calcium, like dairy products and leafy greens, can strengthen your teeth, while fibrous foods can stimulate saliva production, your body’s natural defence against acid.

4. Don’t Skip Dental Check-ups

Amid our busy lives, a dental appointment often falls to the bottom of our to-do list. However, regular visits to a dentist in South Harrow or wherever you’re located should not be optional but rather a staple in your healthcare routine.

  • Routine Examinations: Routine check-ups include professional cleaning and an examination that you can’t replicate with your at-home dental care. Your dentist can identify issues like cavities, early signs of gum disease, or even oral cancer that are not visible to the naked eye.
  • Emergency Visits: Apart from routine check-ups, if you experience sudden dental discomfort, seeking an emergency dentist North London or in your vicinity is crucial. Dental issues tend to worsen quickly, and immediate action can save a tooth and a lot of pain.
  • Treatment Options: Most dental check-ups also come with a plethora of treatment options suited to your dental condition and budget, from basic fillings to cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening Harrow. These regular visits can serve as a one-stop shop for all your dental needs and queries.

5. Mind Your Entire Mouth, Not Just Teeth

Oral health isn’t only about teeth; it involves gums, tongue, and the roof of your mouth. You need to pay equal attention to these areas during your oral hygiene routine to ensure comprehensive oral care.

  • Tongue Scraping: Cleaning the tongue removes bacteria and helps to freshen your breath. A tongue scraper or even a toothbrush can be used for this purpose. The process is simple: Start at the back of the tongue and work your way forward, scraping gently.
  • Oral Rinses: Adding a mouthwash to your routine can offer benefits like reducing plaque, preventing or reducing gingivitis, and freshening breath. Look for a therapeutic mouthwash over a cosmetic one to get real oral health benefits.
  • Gum Care: Regular flossing and brushing go a long way in keeping your gums healthy. If you experience frequent gum bleeding, consult a dentist as it might be a sign of gum disease.

Maintaining good oral hygiene isn’t rocket science, but it does demand consistency and the right techniques. Follow these tips from Complete Smiles, your dependable dentist in South Harrow, to ensure you’re giving your teeth the care they deserve. Get in touch with oral health experts today!

Author Bio:

Malavi Sivakanesan

Malavi Sivakanesan is the co-Founder & Operations Director at Complete Smiles in Harrow, Greater London. She is responsible for establishing the Complete Smiles brand throughout the United Kingdom and Europe and has 5 successful practices under her strong leadership.



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