Woolston Rovers ARLFC Junior Round-up


Woolston Rovers ARLFC Junior Round-up

Woolston U7s 4 Widnes Moorfield 8
Tries: Harry Allen 2, Kobe Sims, Oliver Caddick. Man of the match: Harry Allen.

Woolston U8 Greens 14 Oldham St Ann’s 8
Tries: Dylan Allen 4, Ryan Davidson 3, Jake McBride 3, Louis Talbot 2, Archie Murray 2. Man of the match: Archie Murray.

Woolston U9 Greens 9 Latchford Giants 3
Tries: Ben Harrison 3, Oliver Daniels 3, Luke Platt, Jack McCarthy, Leon Smy Man of the match: Ben Harrison/Sam Deakin.

Woolston U11 Greens 30 Higginshaw 30
Tries Charlie Breary 3, Alfie Hamilton 2 Goals Charlie Breary, Alfie Hamilton, James Hunter, Nathan
Heywood, Chris Eaves. Man of the match: Nathan Heywood.

Woolston U11 Golds 10 Rylands 50
Tries Connor Finch, Danny Rolands. Goal: Danny Rowlands. Parents Award: Dayon Sambou. Coaches Award: Charlie Martin.

Woolston U12 10 Ashton Bears 22
Man of the match: Jack Derbyshire

Ashton Bears 16 Woolston U14 Golds 30
Tries: Jumah Sambou 2, Louis Griffiths, Matthew Nash 2, Matthew Ireland, Goals: Louis Griffiths 3. Man of the match: Louis Griffiths.

On Saturday April 16, the U14 Golds are holding a charity cycle event to raise money for their forthcoming tour to France. Entry is £5 and there are two courses to suit all cycling abilities.
Anyone interested should contact [email protected]


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