PLANS for Phase 3B of the multi-million £ Mersey Flood Risk Management Scheme at Warrington are due to be considered by borough council planning chiefs – and officers are recommending they be approved.
This phase includes land to the north of Mersey Walk and to the east of Mort Avenue, Latchford.
It comprises sheet piled flood defence walls extending along the Mersey from the edge of Westy Park in the east to beyond the western edge of Cardinal Newman High School to the vicinity of Kingsway Bridge
A 320 metre length of new wall would be built along the northern edge of Mersey Walk – a residential road and one of the main public vantage points with views of the new flood defence wall.
The Environment Agency has consulted with Cardinal Newman High School, the Manchester Ship Canal Company, United Utilities, Warrington Anglers Association, Westy Community Centre, Wirral and Cheshire Badger Group and local residents.
A report to the borough’s development management committee says the overall scheme will provide a 1:100 year standard of protection to “at risk” areas of Warrington.
There is the potential for dramatic visual change in some locations as a result of the removal of bankside trees and other planting and the constructions of new walls, fences and embankments.
However, based on the impact of earlier phases, already completed, the proposals are considered acceptable and will be of a high standard of construction and finish.
Main impact on living conditions will be the construction period, including piling operations, construction traffic, works compounds, etc. In the long term, there will be a benefit to living conditions because of increased flood protection and the prevention of damage.
Mersey flood defences – the next phase