A WARRINGTON man was struck over the head with what appeared to be a rolling-pin after he answered a knock on his front door.
Two men forced their way into the house on Kingfisher Close, Birchwood.
Police today appealed for information about the aggravated burglary which occurred at about 8.45pm on Sunday, February 14.
The resident, a 40-year-old man, was confronted by the two offenders when he opened the door.
They claimed he owed them money – and when he said he didn’t they pushed him out of the way and forced their way into the hall.
Once inside, one of the produced a rolling-pin and struck the householder on the head and the arm. Both then fled.
One man was said to be about 5ft 8 inches tall, of stocky build with crew cut, mousey brown hair and was about 25-26 years old. He was wearing dark jogging bottoms and was carrying a small bat or rolling pin. He had a local accent.
The second man was about 6ft tall, of medium. He was wearing a grey hooded Adidas tracksuit top with the hood up over his
head and draw strings pulled tight. He had grey Adidas tracksuit bottoms.
DC Richard Kennedy said: “We are currently following a number of lines of enquiry and as part of the investigation I am keen to speak to anyone who was in the local area at the time this incident occurred.
“I urge anyone who believes that they may have any information that could assist with our enquiries to contact Cheshire Police on 101 quoting incident number 757 of 14 February 2016.”
Alternatively information can be reported anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Man attacked at his own front door
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More Police forces and council community safety departments with some in association with neighbourhood watch here in the UK are installing A.I.M a forensic door alarm to protect their residents from the threat of burglary and forced entry into their homes.
Police are also utilising this innovative intruder deterrent in the following applications, repeat victims of burglary, domestic violence, race hate, honour based violence, gender hate, Asian gold theft, police trap houses and in the homes of victims of crime and the more vulnerable members of society so to ease their fear of crime.
(In a Domestic Violence application the forensics once deployed at an offender will place the attacker at the crime scene so the victim doesn’t have to)
A.I.M is a fraction of the cost compared to the charges incurred for the investigation of a single burglary.
A.I.M is installed and high visibility warning stickers are located at entry points around a home and when in use if an attempt is made to force unlawful entry will automatically sound a high decibel alarm to alert neighbours and passers-by but at the same time sprays attackers with a totally non-toxic UV based forensic marking fluid that stains skin & clothes and enables police to link the offender to a specific crime scene anywhere in the country.
IF activated this intruder deterrent places criminals at their crime scenes and we want this threat of linking criminals to crime scenes to deter offences from being committed in the first instance and with a 100% non-malicious activation we and others believe the deterrent value is working.
If you would like to see how strong a forensic door alarm is when being physically attacked click here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAwz55_69Q8