STUDENTS and staff at Bridgewater High School and Appleton College are being encouraged to “change one thing” as part of a fundraiser for Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY).
“Heart Week” which starts today (Monday) aims to raise awareness of the importance of heart health and the work of CRY.
Twelve people under the age of 35 die every week in the UK through undiagnosed cardiac problems, and money raised will help buy defibrillators for schools across the North-West and assist CRY
in their campaign to provide free screening for every young person in the country.
As part of “Heart Week” students and staff are being encouraged to be sponsored to “change one thing” for the week to improve their own heart health, whether it be walking to school every day, taking part in sports and fitness activities or even giving up coffee, chocolate or crisps!
A range of fundraising events will also be running over the course of the week, including a non-uniform day, a Sixth-Form tombola, dance fitness sessions and a balloon release. The school’s canteen will also be involved in “Heart Week”, offering special menus and displaying themed posters.
Picture: Student charity ambassadors at Appleton College – the Sixth Form at Bridgewater High
School – have been helping with the marketing for the event.
“Change one thing” – for a healthy heart