A CHEQUE for £11,647.65 was presented to the charity Breast Cancer Now by Beryl Boucher, lady captain of Lymm Golf Club – the proceeds of fundraising during her year of office.
A wide range of fundraising events were organised by her and other club members, friends and their families.
Beryl said: “With so many lady members of Lymm Golf Club either personally, or having family members, being affected by breast cancer, this is a charity that is very close to home.”
Celia Weber, from Breast Cancer Now, was staggered that Lymm Golf Club had raised such a significant sum and accepted the cheque for on behalf of the charity.
Thanking the Club, Celia said, “If we are to meet our ambition that by 2050, everyone who gets breast cancer will live, then we need to make sure we fund the most impactful research. This donation will help to make a real difference.”
The charity’s research is focused on four key areas – risk and prevention, early detection and diagnosis, treatment
and secondary breast cancer
Lady golfers’ £11,647 cheque for cancer charity