Warrington’s £89 million tobacco bill

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Cllr Maureen McLaughlin

QUITTING smoking could lift 3,830 people in Warrington out of poverty, according to a new survey
If a Warrington resident who smokes 20 cigarettes a day at £8.50 a packet was to quit smoking, he or she would save £59.50 a week – or £3,094 a year!
About 19,000 households in the town include an adult smoker – and 5,300 of them are living below the poverty line, according to figures from Action on Smoke and Health (ASH).
An estimated 2,061 households – comprising 3,830 people, including 925 children and 588 pensioners – could be lifted out of poverty if the smokers in them quit.
A total of £89 million is spent on tobacco in the borough.
The figures have been published alongside a health inequalities toolkit advising local authorities and the NHS on how to reduce smoking rates among those experiencing health inequalities.
Most people start smoking as teenagers and after a year of smoking 85% say they would find it difficult to quit. Smokers often try to quit many times before they are successful but those from disadvantaged backgrounds face particular barriers as they are more likely to be highly addicted and to live in communities where smoking rates are high. These smokers often need more support than others to successfully quit.
Cllr Maureen McLaughlin, Warrington Borough Council’s lead member for public health and wellbeing said: “This is an important message and there are huge benefits to stopping smoking. There is the positive and direct impact it has on people’s health and it can also improve people’s wellbeing by bringing them above the poverty line.
“We know from people who have managed to quit how much the extra cash in their pocket helps them with their weekly budget. With Christmas and New Year coming now is the perfect time to kick the habit and put more money in your pocket.
“We also know it’s not easy to quit which is why there is a professional and free service available in Warrington with a proven track record of helping people give up smoking for good.
“Together with LiveWire, we are currently supporting the national Stoptober campaign and would encourage anyone who wants to quit to get the right support to help them do this.”
Jan Souness, managing director of LiveWire, said: “LiveWire provide a range of services to help residents in Warrington improve their
wellbeing, including the stop smoking service. We support thousands of people every year to give up smoking and have witnessed first-hand the positive effects quitting can have, on their health and their finances enabling them do some of the things they couldn’t do before they gave up smoking.”
To access LiveWire’s local Stop Smoking Service call 0300 030 810 or visit www.livewirewarrington.org/lifestyle/stop-smoking


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