HEAVY traffic congestion can be expected when re-surfacing of Liverpool Road, Warrington, starts on Wednesday next week.
The borough council has made an order to temporarily prohibit driving on sections of Liverpool Road, George Rad, Victoria Road, Finsbury Close, Kent Road, Chelsea Gardens, Marina Avenue, Hood Lane, Gatewarth Street and Hepherd Street
A temporary one way system will be introduced to stop vehicles travelling westward along Liverpool Road/Old Liverpool Road, from its junction with Penketh Road to its junction with Barnard Street.
The restrictions are expected to last seven weeks, although they will only be in place Monday to Friday and will be phased to minimise disruption.
Alternative routes will be signposted and will be via Penketh Road, Sankey Way, Thewlis Street, Old Liverpool Road, Liverpool Road and vice versa.
The alternative route for the temporary one way system will be via Old Liverpool Road (eastbound), Thewlis Street, Sankey Way, Penketh Road.
The works are required to undertake essential carriageway resurfacing works.
More road works – more hold-ups