Council chief in the hot seat


Interview with Warrington Borough Council Chief Executive Steven Broomhead, who says he will be at the town hall for the “foreseeable future” while the post is readvertised next year.
He also answers questions about the destruction of planning records, fortnightly bin collections and much more, including a positive message for the town!


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Actually I decided to watch it – inevitable public sector tripe about “lessons have been learned ” – I want people in charge who know what they are doing – not making it up as they go along. He was unaware of the blue bin collections being suspended over Christmas – it may seem a petty thing, and below his exalted position, but bins are one of the few activities carried out by the council that the average council tax payer actually cares about, and so should he. I assume it wasa decision made by the mysterious Mr Someone-Else who appears to be reponsible for everything that goes wrong.

  2. Incidentally although hardly Paxmanesque I thought the interview did at least ask some pertinent questions, although when Gary handed him the can labelled ‘Warning May Contain Worms’, he was never going to open it, was he?

  3. Totally agree grey man Steve Broomhead has had roadshows with the work force asking and listening about the way the council should go forward. At previous roadshows attended by the then Chief Executive I challenged her about her extortianate pay. Guess what she denide the £191,000 she received.

    Say what you like about Steve Broomhead he’s honest and sincere. He came back to sort the mess that Diana Terris got this council into. Gets my vote any time.

  4. Mr Conveniently-Retired-Former-Council-Employee was exposed for what he was before the inquiry. The real culprits are those who knew what had gone, knew it was unlawful but still ploughed their local authority and council furrows as if nothing had happened. They made decisions that were flawed because of it and in the process. These are who the lessons learned-a tidying up exercise-let’s move on garbage are aimed at protecting. It is regrettable Prof Broomhead does not seem to realize confidence will never be restored until full transparency is brought to bear regardless on whom the light might shine.

  5. I agree largely. I certainly don’t agree with those who think we should have appointed somebody by now even though they weren’t sure of the candidates. The last thing they needed was a repeat of the astonishing mess caused by the Terris regime.

  6. It’s the electorate they need to be more open with – not the workforce. Perhaps the council should publish all salaries, hours, holiday entitlement etc. but I suppose the likes of UNISON wouldn’t like that.

  7. “I didn’t know about that”….. “Lessons have been learned”….. “Due process”…. what a load of cobblers….. the phrase” It is highly likely” that Warrington will move towards fornightly bin collections and “95% of councils in the UK have fortnightly bin collections” sort of makes it a foregone conclusion that we will be getting them here too. Never mind that consultation inconvenience……… plus it will be a few years yet before the Liebour lot come knocking and begging for my vote so I may have forgotton by then!…… clueless incompetants the lot of them…. more interested in party politics, covering their backs and where the next allowance is coming from…. and they wonder why the public are apathetic when it comes to voting and don’t trust politicians. Billy Smarts would do a better job

  8. What a load of of rubbish! What a PR waste of time and effort! What should happen to save us all some real money (£109k plus staff costs) is to make one of the other Duirectors Head of the Councils paid service and delete the position of CEO from the establishment. Now that would be original thinking! Certainly other Councils are working towards this when the position becomes vacant.

    The question again arises as to who is running our Council. Councillor O’Neill is always telling us that the members are in control. Why then is Prof Broomhead telling us of intended service provision changes if he does not have the authority? Certainly he does have that authority as our Councillors simply have not got control.

    Elsewhere we are being implored to consult with the Council on the 2013/14 Budget? Why, since we are not to be given the full budget papers on which to make observations. At the end of the day no attention will be given to any comments made.

    As for democracy – that went out of the door a long time ago.

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