THE second New Balance English Half Marathon will be run at Warrington on October 3 – and aims to even bigger than last year.
Organisers are offering anyone who wants to take part the chance to enter early.
Early bird runners who register before March 28 will receive a free New Balance Technical t-shirt posted directly to them.
The entry fee has been frozen at last year’s price to give an extra incentive.
Last year, the event attracted around 2,300 runners and the aim is to get 4,000 people into their running shoes this year.
Sponsors New Balance, Warrington Borough Council and the North West Development Agency hope to have 10,000 people involved by 2012.
Race director Mike James said: “2009 was an astounding success. The feedback we received from runners was the best we’ve had for any event we’ve organised.”
The route for this year’s run is likely to change slightly but will stay within the southern side of Warrington. More details about this will be released shortly.
One disappointment is that, again, the race will take place on the same day as Warrington’s traditional Regimental Sunday, when the local infantry regiment parade through the town, accompanied by the Mayor and civic heads from across the North West.
Coun Ian Marks, leader of the borough council said: “We are hoping that we can avoid the two events clashing again next year.”
Pictured: last year’s race.
Town to host half marathon again