?568,000 overspend on
controversial school project
by David Skentelbery
COUNCIL chiefs at Warrington have accepted a ?4,153,597 bid to build a new school to replace the century-old Stockton Heath Primary School.
But with demolition of temporary buildings, a mobile kitchen and archaeological work costing ?343,124 and professional fees of ?489,248 there will be a shortfall of ?568,969 compared with the amount available in the borough council’s capital programme.
The council’s executive board was told the shortfall would be funded from uncommitted Children’s Services capital budgets.
Executive members claimed the project would have cost less but for delays – caused by the long-running campaign to save the old school.
Coun David Earl said: “Prices rises in the building industry have been running far in excess of inflation. The cost of materials has risen by between six and 15 per cent.”
But the Stockton Heath Action Group, which had fought a long battle to persuade the council to refurbish the old school rather than build a new one, hit back.
Spokesman Richie Wells said: “They cannot put the blame on us. We have been saying for 18 months that the cost would be higher. Even the independent report into costs last year put the cost at ?4.8 million.
“In fact, we predict the cost will still eventually be substantially higher because we have not yet been told the cost of demolishing the school itself.
“If the council had listened to local people from the start and refurbished the old school we are confident the project would have been within budget.”
Four firms put in tenders to build the new school and the council has awarded the contract to local firm Cruden Construction.
The government has awarded a grant of ?3.1 million towards the cost of the scheme – subject to the council providing the balance.
New school to be
built in park?
by John Hendon
PLANS for a new primary school, with day nursery, playground and sports facilities in St Elphin?s Park, Warrington, are to be considered by borough planners.
The school would occupy 40 per cent of the 6.5 acre park which currently has a full size soccer pitch, tennis courts, bowling green, basketball courts and children?s play area, as well as a formal garden and informal area.
All but the informal area will be retained in some way, if the scheme goes ahead.
West Fairfield Residents? and Tenants? Association has lodged an objection on the grounds the scheme will mean a loss of parkland area.
They claim the area already suffers from a shortage of public open space and are also concerned at the possibility of increased traffic congestion.
But planning officers say there will be no loss of playing fields.
The school is to replace the existing St Elphin?s Primary School.
Leisure centres the tops
for health and safety
by Lesley Wilkinson
PEOPLE working out at the five Warrington Borough Council leisure centres are in safe hands!
For the centres have been awarded a Level One accreditation from RoSPA – the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents – for reaching recognised standards of health and safety.
RoSPA found during its audit that the health and safety of the centres’ customers and staff is a top priority.
During the past 18 months Select Leisure, which runs the centres, has re-vamped health and safety.
This means health and safety courses for staff, training 80 per cent of staff in manual handling and control of substances hazardous to health.
Four managers have completed a National Examination Board qualification in Occupational Safety and Health.
The accreditation means that Select Leisure is the only local authority leisure provider in the UK to have achieved this nationally recognised standard.
Coun Roy Smith, executive board member for community, said: “The process has involved all Select Leisure staff with the focus on health and safety being a shared responsibility and a common goal. All levels of the service have contributed to ensure it is a plan driven by those directly involved.”
Rowing club in bid
to make people walk
by Lesley Wilkinson
MEMBERS of Warrington Rowing Club are doing their bit to help get local people fit – by organising a series of walks.
Member Sharon Sinnott said the club will be leading walks for the community from its base on Howley Lane, near Kingsway Bridge. Anyone can turn up and there is free parking on site.
She said: ” If people want to feel more energetic, want to sleep better, manage their weight or reduce their blood pressure they may benefit.”
The 30-minute group walks are organised to promote the “Walking the Way to Health” initiative.
She said: “It will be a predominantly flat walk and suitable for beginners. No special equipment is required just comfortable clothing and shoes for walking in.”
Walks are planned on Sunday mornings at 11.00 am on June 10, July 8 and August 12.
Village artists to create
a big “masterpiece”
by Lesley Wilkinson
BUDDING artists from Lymm near Warrington have a chance to join in a community project to recreate a massive work of art in the village centre.
The Big Picture project is being organised as part of Lymm Festival.
Organiser Jackie Marshall said: “This is another very exciting opportunity for artists of all abilities, professional or amateur, young or old, for individuals, families or group entries to join in.”
Last year a similar event attracted dozens of artists and they created a giant copy of Lowry’s “Village Square” – measuring about five metres by four metres.
Jackie said: “We are going to create another enormous copy of a famous painting for the Lymm Festival and the 3rd Lymm Scouts will once more assemble all the pieces of the jigsaw and hoist our giant version of Henri Rousseau’s painting “Tiger in a Tropical Storm” right in the centre of our village.”
The picture will be launched at the Street Fun and Food Fest on Thursday June 28.
“We are looking for artists to join the festival spirit, add their touch and paint just a small section of the original to help create this spectacular Lymm Festival Challenge,” said Jackie.
“The more artists eager to take part, the better … and the more artists … the bigger the final painting will be!”
Entry forms are available from Harrison Business Supplies, Rushgreen Garage, Lymm Library or download from www.lymmfestival.org.uk
There is a small entry fee, to cover costs and a donation to scouts, and entry should be registered by May 31.
Woman trapped
in two-car crash
by staff reporter
A WOMAN was trapped in her vehicle after a two-car crash on the Cantilever Bridge, in Station Road, Latchford, Warrington.
Two saloon cars were involved in the collision and two fire engines from Warrington were called to the scene.
The woman was released from the damaged car by firefighters and then taken to Warrington Hospital by ambulance.
The extent of her injuries is not known.
News in brief
Fire alert
FIRE crews from Warrington and Stockton Heath were called to Eastford Road, Walton, Warrington after reports of a building on fire. It turned out to
be a quantity of rubbish ablaze in a derelict building.
Farm building
PLANS for an agricultureal storage building and one cattle unit at Pool Farm, Pool Lane, Lymm have been submitted to Warrington Borough Council’s
planning department by GP Broadsmith and Son.
Road closure
TANNERS Lane, Warrington will be temporarily closed to traffic, between its junctions with Winwick Street and Dallam Lane, from Monday, June 18 for about two weeks while new ducting and cabl
ing work is carried out. Diversions will be sign-posted.Sections of footpath will also be closed.
Demolition plan
A PART demolition of a farmhouse at Laylands Farm, Wilston Lane, Culcheth, with a link extension and barn conversion is the subject of an application to Warrington Borough Council’s planning department.
[ 31.05.2007, 10:26: Message edited by: DS ]