Traders and politicians react to shock closure notice on CPS Shopping Centre


VIDEO: VILLAGE traders and local politicians have spoken of their shock and dismay following the sudden closure notice on the CPS Shopping Centre at Culcheth, Warrington, giving them just 28 days to vacate the premises.

Many of the 20-plus traders, some of whom have run businesses from the premises for many years, say they face an impossible situation as they look set to lose their livelihoods, with mortgages and bills to pay.

Local MP Charlotte Nichols, who visited the premises yesterday, Saturday, with local Cllrs Matt Smith and Janet Seddon, said: “This news has come like a bolt from the blue for all traders, some who have traded here for decades, while some new traders appear to have been mis-sold their tenancies.
“There are lots of different issues facing the businesses and we are speaking to them to see what they need moving forward.”
Meanwhile, Ms Nichols, who has now received a copy of the fire inspection report, with the owners citing health and safety issues as the reason for the sudden closure notice, says she is awaiting to speak to the Chief Fire Officer to discuss some “inconsistencies in the narrative.”
She added that it was “unacceptable” for traders to have no building manager in place during this difficult period.
One of those impacted is John from JKal who has been trading from the CPS Shopping Centre for 16 years.
“One email was sent to all traders on Thursday afternoon saying we had to go. I feel terrible. I’m going to end up with no job and a mortgage to pay.
“They want us out in 28 days. I’m looking to relocate but have no chance in the timescale given.
CPS Shopping Centre
Meanwhile, the longest-serving tenant, Abdul, who has run the Sundial Terrace Coffee Shop with his wife for 27 years said: “We are devastated. This is going to financially cripple us. We are going to fight this and are seeking legal advice.”
AS well has impacting their livelihood he said the cafe also provides an important role in the local community.
Dave from Culcheth Model Railways, which has been based in the CPS Shopping Centre for eight years, said they faced an “impossible situation<” as it woyuld take at least a month-and-a=half to vacate the premises, with the need for specialist help to remove heavy display cabinets from the premises.
He described the CPS Shopping Centre as a unique facility which provided a one-stop shop for everything from furniture, model railways, toys, haircuts, trouser pressing and repairs and much more.

@warringtonworldwide #traders and #politicians react to the shock closure notice on the #CPS Centre #shopping mall at #culcheth #warrington #retail #eviction ♬ original sound – warringtonworldwide


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


    • Your glee and mockery of the people who stand to lose their businesses and livelihoods, not to mention the damage this will do to the local community and economy is abhorrent. You are a vile creature with a room temperature IQ.

      • STATING FACTS ! FRIDAY 28TH FEBRUARY IS GAME OVER ! why people want to seek advice from solicitors is beyond me, the owner wouldnt have issued eviction notices if he thought issues would arise ! ***********THE END ************

        • Why are you cheering this on with such revelry in the misery and negative impact this will cause many local businesses? You are pathetic scum, hiding behind your keyboard. Come to the meetings in Culcheth and air your sick bile there—spineless coward.

  1. This is a lovely place that I’ve visited over the years many times. It’s always nice to chat to the shop keepers who are very knowledgeable and passionate about their business. Unfortunately it looks like the owners want them out now. Destroying people’s lives and futures and aren’t prepared to try and sort out the issues. There does appear to be an agenda hidden or otherwise and they are allegedly using the fire check as an excuse.

  2. Mark James Eltringham on

    Dreadful and I’m sure we can all see what comes next. This will be a housing development in no time. Let’s hope there aren’t any fires in the building once it’s vacated, eh?

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