OUTLINE plans for six self-build homes on a 1.2-acre site at Stretton have been submitted to Warrington planning chiefs.
The development would be at Stretton Mere Farm, off Spark Hall Close and, subject to the granting of outline planning consent, would be for six individually designed detached houses for Mr P Clarkson, of Stretton Mere Farm, and immediate members of his family.
At present, the site is largely grassland used for livestock grazing
It forms part of the South East Warrington Urban Extension, which is allocated in the Warrington Local Plan for the development of 4,200 dwellings, 1,800 of which would be built post 2038/39.
There would also be two primary schools, a secondary school, a leisure facility, shops, playing pitches, open space, etc.
Detailed plans for the six self-build houses would be submitted later, subject to the granting of outline planning permission.
But the proposal is for large, detached dwellings.
Borough council planning officers are now studying the proposals.
1 Comment
Instead of destroying South Warrington why not attack Birchwood and even Birchwood Forest Park as there is plenty of green space there, as there is around Orford and Sankey Valley or is it that North Warrington seems to have more leisure space and greenery being dfavoured by the Labour Coubcilors who have their seats tghew e as well as a returning a Labour MP every election. On he subject of leisure let’s not fail to mention new leisure hubs in North Warrington which are sadly missing on the South side of the Manchester Ship Canal. Another suggestion would be to build on the Creamfields site and we would not have to put up with all the inconvenience of the noise and congestion it cuauses, or are WBC afraid to upset the Greenall family who have already got rid of the brewery and turned some into appartments and an office sdeelop[ment and the rest demolished and turned into Morrisons, and as for the last part it appears that suffered the fate of anything that is inconvenient like the distilery of dissapearing in a puff of smoke to facilitate development. Heaven forbid that if they sold the Creamfields site they would miss a long term once a year payday rather than a one off.