Nearly 2,000 people sign petition opposing development of South East Warrington


ALMOST 2,000 people have signed a petition urging Warrington Borough Council to halt the proposed development of housing which will massively extend an area of land to the south east of the town.

The petition, Halt The Planned South East Warrington Urban Expansion, launched last September, has attracted more than 1,800 signatories from concerned residents in the area.
It states: “The greenery and natural landscape around Appleton and Grappenhall is not just picturesque scenery – it represents our local identity and is vitally important for environmental protection and the wellbeing of local residents.
“The proposed South East Warrington Urban Expansion Development threatens the destruction of crucial habitats and green spaces that make our little corner of the world beautiful.
“The proposed construction not only puts at stake our local character, but also raises significant environmental concerns. Research shows that urban expansion can increase local temperatures, reduce air quality and decimate local wildlife – all impacting the health and wellbeing of residents and our precious ecosystem.”
The petition will be sent to Homes England and to the council urging them to reconsider the urban expansion.
It added: “We advocate for sustainable town planning practices that preserve our environment rather than compromise it. This is necessary to ensure the future of our community, our environment and wellbeing. We, the residents of Appleton, Appleton Thorn, Grappenhall, Stretton and surrounding areas, deserve to have our voices heard and our green spaces preserved.”

Warrington Borough Council say sustainability was at the heart of the proposals.
The area, taking in Appleton Cross and surrounding areas, has been allocated for development in the Local Plan.
The extension seems to integrate new residential neighbourhoods with existing communities.
A series of feedback sessions took place in autumn 2024 to explain the measures to residents.
Speaking in autumn, a spokesperson for Homes England said: “We are committed to working with the local community
to understand residents’ views and local aspirations for the site.”


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  1. About time building was earmarked for South Warrington, we in the Northern area seem to get all the disruption. Carry on building to accommodate half of London, ( cheaper to live up North ).

      • Hi Gary, care to put some facts to that assertion? The tiny amount of green space left in North Warrington has already been earmarked for housing – from where I sit, it’s housing as far as the eye can see.

        A North-South Warrington spat doesn’t really help, though – we need much more intelligent engagement from WBC on housing.

        • This article relates to a petition over a specific area of development – it isn’t a feature on development across the whole of Warrington. The issues in the North, especially at Peel Hall “the last Green Lung in the North” have been well documented. There is no North/South divide – the whole town is under pressure to meet Government housing targets.

      • Yes but their it woukld not bring WBC as much in Council Tax and North Warrington was always a Labour stronghold. Ecvery time WBC wants cash the arttack South Warrinton example being you cannot park by the doctors surgery onthe forge car park as it was limited to 15 minutes and charges increased to fund the extension of parking time free at Cockedge

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