Sons IE – Is Finasteride a Permanent Solution to Hair Loss?


Finasteride is a wonderful medication that can slow and stop hair loss. Of course, anybody interested in taking a prescription drug will want to know a few things about it before; that’s where we can help.

You might be wondering: Will Finasteride solve my hair loss issues for good? In this article, we will look at how long the effects of Finasteride last and whether maintenance is required for a long time.

Finasteride: A Permanent Solution for Hair Loss?

Among the most effective hair loss treatment plans globally is Finasteride, an oral tablet that prevents the body from turning testosterone into DHT, a hormone responsible for causing hair loss. Halting the creation of DHT means your hair will spend more time in its growth stage than its resting phase, a crucial aspect of stopping hair loss. The other prescribed medication, Minoxidil, works differently to Finasteride, but it is also highly effective.

However, Oral Finasteride isn’t considered a permanent solution to your problems. When you speak to a hair loss consultant, they’ll inform you the medication takes between nine and twelve months to work in its entirety, hopefully giving you thicker and healthier-looking hair, with the possibility of regrowth, too. However, if you were to stop taking the medication after this amount of time, the original signs of hair loss you spotted would likely recur.

For this reason, you must maintain Finasteride consumption beyond the one-year mark, or the same hair thinning and hair loss will likely happen again. If you want to increase the chances that the treatment will work, you can combine Finasteride with Minoxidil for enhanced results.

Will There Ever Be a Permanent Solution for Hair Loss?

Currently, if all your hair has been lost, there is no way to regenerate that growth through medication. The sooner you act on hair loss, the more significant amount that can be saved and the better the chances of potential hair regrowth are.

Recent research has shown that there could be a cure on the way in the future to reverse male pattern hair loss and cure balding. Although plenty more work needs to be done to understand the issue in full detail, the signs look promising that replacing the skin cells on the scalp could pave the way for men to have a full head of hair again. Finasteride may have helped scientists understand how the hair reacts to such treatment, acting as a catalyst for sparing men from hair loss so the industry can hopefully advance on that.

For now, combining Finasteride with Minoxidil, high-quality hair care products, and supplements to boost your nutrient intake is the best course of action to combat hair loss and leave your strands in a much better condition.


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