Jacobean meditation garden planned at former Marquis of Granby pub


AN imaginative plan to create a Jacobean meditation garden at the rear of the former Marquis of Granby pub in Church Street, Warrington has been put to borough council planners.

The plan represents the fourth attempt to bring unused land into use behind the former pub, which two years ago, was granted planning consent to be converted into a health and wellbeing clinic.
Applicants the Egerton Trust originally wanted to use the land as a car park, but planners have twice rejected these proposals.
A further application to use the land as an outdoor health and wellbeing space also failed to win approval.
The new proposal is for a Jacobean meditation garden for use in connection with the clinic.
It would have lawned and planted areas, and a timber pergola and the current rear access would be fenced off with heritage-style fencing adorned by climbing plants. The development would enhance the historic character of the former pub building.

The Grade 2 Listed Marquis of Granby has not traded as a pub for some years. Although it is believed to date from the 17th century it was heavily restored in the 19th century. But it remains a landmark building in the Church Street conservation area, which contains a number of other Listed buildings, including the National School and Sykes’ shoe repair shop.
The conservation area itself is on English Heritage’s “At Risk” register where is noted as being in “Very Bad” condition.
Warrington Borough Council planning officers are now studying the proposals.


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