National pizza day: exploring the UK’s pizza preferences


February 9th serves as National Pizza Day, inviting pizza enthusiasts in Warrington and across the nation to celebrate their favoured dish. 

Pizza Preferences: A Look at National Statistics

Recent research highlights the diversity in pizza topping preferences across the UK, revealing a nation divided by its pizza choices. While pepperoni, mushrooms, and extra cheese top the list of most popular toppings, regional differences paint a picture of the UK’s varied pizza palate.

  • In London, chicken is a favourite for 26% of people, illustrating the city’s preference for poultry on their pies.
  • Contrastingly, the North sees a divide, with Liverpool and Leeds showing a penchant for spicy beef (28%) and mixed peppers (31.5%), respectively.
  • Wales shows a unique trend, with over a quarter (29%) of respondents adding pineapple to their pizzas, a choice that proves more divisive in other regions, such as the South East where only 16% favor the sweet topping.

These statistics not only demonstrate the country’s diverse pizza preferences but also hint at Warrington’s own potential favourites, encouraging locals to explore different combinations and perhaps find a new favourite.

Gender and Age Influence on Pizza Choices

The research further uncovers how gender and age impact topping choices:

  • Men are twice as likely (12.6%) to choose meatballs as a topping compared to women (6.9%).
  • Anchovies are a more polarizing choice, with over 55s (7.3%) ten times more likely to enjoy them than the younger demographic aged 16-24 (0.7%).

These insights offer a fascinating glimpse into how various factors influence our pizza preferences, adding another layer of interest to National Pizza Day celebrations.

Celebrating Pizza Diversity in Warrington

Warrington’s pizza scene is ready to cater to all these preferences and more, ensuring everyone can enjoy their preferred slice this National Pizza Day. Whether you’re a fan of the classics or eager to try something new, the day is a perfect excuse to support local pizzerias and celebrate the joy of pizza.

So, on February 9th, why not join in the fun by sampling some of Warrington’s finest pizzas? Whether you prefer your pizza loaded with pepperoni, decked out in vegetables, or even adorned with pineapple, there’s no better time to enjoy this beloved dish and perhaps discover a new favorite topping in the process.


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