Coronation crown lights up Heritage Centre


LYMM artist, Colin Grimes, has done it again!. The retired head of Art at Lymm High School who created Lymm Heritage Centre’s lifesize chirotherium has painted a larger than lifesize Coronation crown with a stunning extra dimension.

The crown comes complete with a hundred or so twinkling jewels (inset LED lights) that shimmer on and off between 5pm and 10pm every evening in the window of Lymm Heritage Centre.  It’s  the focal point of the latest window display put together by Colin and his wife Janet for the centre to celebrate the Coronation.
“We are blessed to have such talented volunteers on our team” Heritage Centre chair Alan Williams said. “Colin never ceases to amaze us with what he produces”.

Inside the centre there is a five minute movie on the big screen that recaptures the lavish local celebrations for the Coronation of George V including a giant illuminated framework round Lymm Cross. Younger visitors can make and take their own jewelled crown as a memento of the occasion. The film and activities will run through May.  It’s all free, donations welcome.
Lymm Heritage Centre is open 12-4 Thursday to Sunday (closed Coronation day May 6th )

Isla Storey, Isobel Buckley and Mila Jones hard at work making their crown jewels.


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