APPLETON Parish Council has recently purchased two new speeding indicator devices to be operated by local PCSOs and moved around the Parish to help reduce driving speeds and improve health and safety in the area.
Cllr. Simon Brookes, Chair of the Parish Council said: “The Parish Council knows that speeding is one of the main concerns for residents and has invested £6,600 plus VAT in providing the PCSOs with two-speed indicator devices.
“We are hoping that this will be a good prompt for drivers to pay more attention to their speed which is a major concern to residents”.
The speeding indicator devices can be used on any road in Appleton, whether it is a 20mph, 30mph or 40mph road. The aim of the equipment is informative and preventive and the new devices record the number of vehicles, average and maximum speeds. This information then can be used to target specific areas and provide evidence of any concerns.
The aim of the investment of the purchase is so Cheshire Police and the PCSOs can provide a rapid and objective response to any complaints from residents.
Residents are encouraged to contact Cheshire Police via the residents’ voice surveys. If you have a complaint or concern please contact via Or contact the local Policing team at
Picture shows Cllrs. Mark Jervis and Ghazala Chapman with PCSOs Matt Kirkham and Dave Mahon on Dipping Brook Avenue.