The 9 Truths About Gastric Sleeve Surgery


Istanbul, Turkey – As one of the most experienced bariatric surgeons in Turkey, Assoc. Dr. Hasan Erdem has performed numerous gastric sleeve surgeries with great success. Recently, he shared his expertise by answering the 9 most common questions about gastric sleeve surgery. In his own words, Assoc. Dr. Hasan Erdem explains the 9 Truths About Gastric Sleeve Surgery:

As a bariatric surgeon, I have witnessed the transformative effects of gastric sleeve surgery on my patients. However, there are still many misconceptions and concerns about this weight loss surgery. In this article, I will share my knowledge and experience by answering the 9 most common questions about gastric sleeve surgery.

Gastric sleeve surgery is not a magic bullet.

Gastric sleeve surgery is a powerful tool for weight loss, but it is not a magic bullet. Patients need to commit to lifelong changes in their eating habits, physical activity, and mental health to achieve long-term success.

Gastric sleeve surgery is not a cosmetic procedure.

Gastric sleeve surgery is a medical procedure that helps patients lose weight and improve their health. It is not a cosmetic procedure or a quick fix for weight loss.

Gastric sleeve surgery is a major surgery.

Gastric sleeve surgery is a major surgery that requires general anaesthesia and a hospital stay. Patients need to follow their surgeon’s instructions before and after the surgery to minimize the risks of complications.

Gastric sleeve surgery is not for everyone.

Gastric sleeve surgery is not suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight. Candidates need to meet certain criteria, including having a high BMI and comorbidities that can be improved with weight loss.

Gastric sleeve surgery has risks and potential complications.

Like any surgery, gastric sleeve surgery has risks and potential complications. These can include bleeding, infection, blood clots, and leakage from the staple line. However, with proper preoperative evaluation, surgical technique, and postoperative care, the risks can be minimized.

Gastric sleeve surgery requires lifestyle changes.

Gastric sleeve surgery is not a quick fix for weight loss. It requires patients to make significant lifestyle changes, including adopting healthy eating habits, regular exercise, and behaviour modifications. Patients also need to attend follow-up appointments with their surgeon and a multidisciplinary team to monitor their progress and ensure long-term success.

Gastric sleeve surgery can improve or resolve many health problems.

Gastric sleeve surgery can help improve or resolve many obesity-related health problems, including diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnoea, and joint pain. This can improve patients’ quality of life and reduce their risk of developing serious health complications in the future.

Gastric sleeve surgery is effective for long-term weight loss.

Gastric sleeve surgery has been shown to be effective for long-term weight loss. Patients typically lose 50-70% of their excess weight within the first two years after the surgery. However, long-term success depends on patients’ commitment to lifestyle changes and follow-up care.

Gastric sleeve surgery is not reversible.

Gastric sleeve surgery permanently reduces the size of the stomach, and it is not reversible. Patients need to carefully consider the risks and benefits of the surgery and commit to lifelong lifestyle changes before undergoing the procedure.

Gastric sleeve surgery can affect the absorption of nutrients.

Gastric sleeve surgery can affect the absorption of nutrients, particularly vitamins and minerals. Patients need to take supplements as prescribed by their surgeon to prevent nutritional deficiencies.

Gastric sleeve surgery can improve mental health.

Gastric sleeve surgery can improve not only physical health but also mental health. Patients often experience improvements in self-esteem, body image, and quality of life after the surgery.

Gastric sleeve surgery requires a commitment to lifelong follow-up care.

Gastric sleeve surgery is not a one-time event. Patients need to commit to lifelong follow-up care, including regular appointments with their surgeon and a multidisciplinary team, to monitor their progress and make adjustments as needed. This can help ensure long-term success and prevent complications.


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