5 Ways to Give Your Home a Timeless Aesthetic


The way your home is designed and decorated can play a huge role in your mood, how relaxed you feel and your overall happiness – believe it or not. We all deserve to live in a space that makes us feel calm and happy, but when it comes to decorating it can be tough to know where to draw the line.

Following home design trends might make you feel good in the moment, but what happens when the items and styles you’ve used are out of date and no longer bring you joy?

Designing your home in a timeless way is a great way to balance this out – your space will look beautiful but by avoiding falling victim to trends, its aesthetic appeal will last for years.

Here are a few tips to make this happen.

Use Natural Materials

Nature is never going out of style. While heavily industrial-looking kitchens might come and go, and brightly coloured, crazy sofas might be trendy for a while, a soft and natural look throughout your home will be timeless.

Think of materials like light, natural woods, stone and granite in your flooring, countertops and furniture. When it comes to the exterior of your home, consider installing wooden garage doors instead of metal ones, and playing up the landscaping.

Stick to a Neutral Palette

On the topic of au natural, this is a good tactic to use when it comes to colour schemes too. Choose a neutral paint colour for the walls and buy your main furniture pieces in versatile, timeless neutral tones like whites, beiges, browns greys and blacks.

When you have this as a foundation, you can subtly bring in colour in ways that won’t be overbearing and could easily be changed up when you’re in the mood for something different.

Combine the Old and the New

A good way to combat your home becoming outdated is to design and decorate with both modern and vintage in mind. Don’t be afraid to combine these two different styles and remember that not everything has to match.

The mix-and-match style of modern and older looking pieces will bring an agelessness to your home no matter what’s trending at any given moment.

Avoid Trendy Pieces 

Of course, the biggest trap you can fall into is becoming a slave to interior design magazines and Pinterest pictures. Trendy art pieces, furniture and even overall styles will catch your eye, but you’ll need to do your best to play the long game and consider whether or not they’ll still be as gorgeous in five years.

Keep it Simple

Finally, the ultimate weapon you can wield in the home decorating game is simplicity. Cluttering your home with too much décor or going all-out on a specific style (farmhouse chic, we’re looking at you) will likely leave you frustrated within the first year.

By keeping things simple and minimal in your home, you leave room for change and growth that can happen in simple and subtle ways, instead of an entire kitchen remodel when you can’t stand the barn doors anymore.


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