Body Kit And Paint: How To Maintain The Exterior of Your Car?


Your car is a major investment that you want to last as long as possible. However, many things can impact the lifespan of your vehicle’s exterior and make it look old and worn out before its time.

This blog post will outline some tips for maintaining your car’s exterior and keeping it looking

Wax Weekly

This is a great way to keep your car looking new. Waxing weekly can be done at home with just some wax, boiling water, and towels or rags. The process of waxing cars might seem intimidating, but it’s not that difficult if you have the right tools available to you. Before starting any project on your vehicle it’s always recommended to take everything apart first so when applying paint or bodywork later down the road nothing will get in the way. This could include removing headlights, taillights, etc… If there are certain parts on your car that are impossible for you to remove without taking apart other pieces, then don’t worry about them because they still need attention. Just focus on what needs attention first.

Use A Microfiber Towel

A microfiber towel is ideal for removing dirt on your paint. It’s soft and gentle enough not to cause any scratches or swirls while cleaning the exterior of the vehicle. Using a regular cloth can risk scratching it, so always go with something that has been designed specifically for this purpose. Try finding one in an auto parts store, or you could even ask someone who does bodywork what they recommend using when detailing their car. Microfibers are also easy to clean, which means you can use them over and over again without having to worry about wasting money by replacing them all the time. And if you want to make sure it’s working well, spray some window cleaner onto it before wiping off the dust from your paint job – see how much dirt and grime it picks up.

Use A Buffing Machine

Buffing machines are available in different sizes and shapes. Some of them look like an electric drill, while some resemble a buffing gun that is plugged into the power outlet with a cord or extension pole attached to it. The best thing about using these machines is you can use different types of pads on the same machine depending on what you want to achieve for your car paint job/body kit. The body shop experts typically use these buffing machines for polishing or waxing the car. There are numerous color options available to you when it comes time to pick out a pad that will work best on your paint job.

Take Care Of Minor Dings And Scratches

You may not think that a few scratches and dents can cause problems. The team behind PDR Canada explained that over time, they will become more noticeable if you don’t take care of them in the beginning when they are small. If your car has any minor damages such as these, then make sure to find products for repairing paint chips and body kits online. The kit should include primer, color sealant (paint), clear coat (sealant) solution, sandpaper or steel wool pads, aerosol spray cans which contain protective lacquer sprays, and applicator sponges along with easy-to-follow instructions on how to use each one separately. If this is too much work, then there’s no need to worry. You can always go to a professional for this because they know exactly what they are doing when it comes down to getting rid of scratches and dents on your car paint.

Keep Your Wheels Clean

If you have ever washed the exterior of your car, then chances are that at some point you have run into dirty wheels. Sometimes, dirt and debris can get stuck in between brake pads or even behind the rims, which makes them difficult to reach with a cloth. This is where the wheel cleaning solution comes into play. It allows you to spray it on tires easily without making much mess around. You can also use this product for other purposes, such as spraying onto rubber floor mats if they have become too hard over time from being used outside all year round. Just make sure not to forget about clean windows, either, since no one wants moldy-looking glass after washing their vehicle.

Don’t Use A Pressure Washer

A pressure washer is a high-pressure water pump that forces the water through a nozzle near your car. While it can help to get rid of dirt and grime, using one isn’t good for cars. It’s too strong, and there are other ways you can maintain your exterior without taking away its paint job. Pressure washing does more harm than good, so don’t risk it. Use soap and warm or cold water instead. You may also use an old toothbrush if necessary but avoid direct contact with the surface of the vehicle as much as possible. Do not scrub aggressively because you might damage some parts such as headlights or bumpers, which could affect their appearance in the future. This way, no damages will occur to your car when you are cleaning it.

Now that your car is freshly painted, you need to keep it looking great by maintaining the exterior paint. As long as you maintain your car’s body kit, you won’t have any problems with rusting or chipping over time. Remember, if done right, once can save you a lot of money in repairs later on. Trust us when we say this is one area where paying for quality work will pay off big dividends down the road.


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