Lightroom Mobile from 123Presets


Lightroom mobile presets from are all about the quality of your photos. From sharper images, brighter colors to photos that follow the latest trends.

Each Lightroom preset represents a particular style. It has its own colour tones and personal style. Allow yourself to discover your own personal style through Lightroom presets.

What are Lightroom Presets?

Lightroom filters are simply photo editing adjustments that a professional photographer has saved so that you can use them on your own photos. There are many styles and options!

An even more simple explanation of Lightroom presets is that they are basically advanced Instagram filters. The main difference is that the quality of your photos will look better, you will have more control over your photos editing settings after their application.

How Do Lightroom Presets Actually Work?

Mobile presets were specifically created so that anyone could edit their own images on the go. You don’t have to wait for a fancy photoshoot to finally upload your dream photo on your social media.

All you need is your mobile phone, good lighting, and a little bit of creativity. After you take your photos, you won’t need to transfer them anywhere. You will be able to edit them right then and there on your mobile device. It works perfectly on both iOS and Android mobile phones.

How do presets work? Simple. You upload a photo to your Lightroom app, then you apply the preset that you like. And? That’s it. That’s all you need. Now you can export your photo and upload it to Instagram. You won’t even need to open your laptop to get your dream photos.

Do I Need to Be a Professional Photographer to Get Stunning Images?

That’s the whole beauty of presets. Imagine a PRO photographer helping you retouch your own images. That’s exactly what happens when you apply the preset to your photo.

Hence, you don’t need to spend years of learning and trying to figure out the retouching secrets. All of that is laid out for you within seconds.

How to Make the Most Out of My Lightroom Presets?

Just applying the preset you will notice the difference. Colour tones will immediately change and you will see a professional photo in front of you. However, that being said, there are still a few things that you could do in order to make the most out of your presets.

#1 Play with the settings. The preset will immediately adjust all the settings as they should be. However, you can still add a little bit of your own personality and shift one or two sliders. The most important part of this is to make slight changes. You don’t want to lose the style of your preset. You just want to add a small subtle element of yourself.

#2 Get Inspiration before your photoshoot. Check out other Instagram accounts that have a similar style to yours. Analyze them and write down what you like and dislike about them. By doing so you will be able to get inspired by the latest trends. You may see an interesting location or a fun outfit. You could also pay attention to how they pose. 

#3 Stay cohesive on your Instagram. Your feed style is basically your own personal brand. Hence, you don’t want to have pictures that are all totally different. As a rule of thumb, you can change your preset every 12 images. That way you will keep the consistency of your feed, test out what works the best for your followers, and also keep your Instagram account interesting.

How are Presets Special?

You can choose from more than 150 presets at All of them have been developed by a professional photographer. All these presets have their own personality and style. Hence, you don’t have to be worried that you will look the same as other Instagram accounts.

There is so much selection that you will most definitely stand out from the crowd. Also, it’s impossible to make two images that look the same even if they both use presets. No matter what, you will be able to showcase your personality.

One major thing is that cares about their customers. They will answer your questions and help you make the most out of your presets.


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