Three tips to save your bike from an untimely demise


It’s only natural that you want to keep your bike in the mint condition that you bought it.

However, you also want to get the most out of it by riding it in all weathers and all conditions. So, how do you keep your bike in good condition? Well, in this article I am going to cover some ways you can make sure that your bike stays in tip-top condition for as long as possible…

Maintenance Is Important

Most issues you can have with a bike can be headed off by simply taking the time to maintain and repair. This means doing the simple stuff like cleaning your bike after a long ride to avoid jamming up things with muck. Taking the time to check brake pads and tire pressure will also help you avoid many of the more major issues you could have.

While some people see this as a chore, it can actually be really enjoyable to work on your bike. By doing simple repairs to your own bike, you take ownership of it and feel pride! Click here to check the best Shimano spares to get started.

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Make sure to keep your bike somewhere dry when you are storing it overnight. While a little bit of rain is not going to hurt it, if it is left day in day out in the rain and damp this will take its toll. Moving parts will seize up and metal will rust.

It might seem like a hassle, especially after a long ride, but taking the time to properly store your bike will keep it running smoothly. Consider getting a bicycle shed or lean-to that you can easily access near the front of your building.

Get A Good Lock… And Use It!

So far, I’ve only looked at caring for your bike and protecting it from the elements. However, another key part of bike care is keeping it safe from thieves. This means buying a good lock and making sure that you use it every single time you leave your bike, even if you are just nipping into a place. Also, it is really important that you use your bike lock correctly, otherwise you might find that your ride is not as safe as you think.

When you do lock up your bike, select a spot that is visible and out in the open. This way, thieves will be deterred from trying to break the lock too. As I have already said, it is important to properly store your bike inside overnight, because even if you lock it up on the street someone could break the lock under cover of darkness.


So there you have it, three sure-fire ways to improve your bike’s lifespan! It makes complete sense to protect your bike, after all it probably represents quite a serious investment. If you follow these tips, find necessary replacements when the time is right (see BikeParts), and take your bike for an occasional check-up by a pro, there is no reason at all that it should stop running.


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