7 ways to beat morning sickness at work


Morning sickness affects 70-90 percent of pregnant women (you’re probably one of them, right?). One of the worst things about being pregnant is the morning sickness.

It’s not fun feeling nauseated almost all the time and throwing up, especially when you are at work. You get so little work done at the office in between breaks to go throw up in the bathroom. Nausea and vomiting are common during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. It is caused by hormonal changes. Though unpleasant for you, it doesn’t put your baby at any additional risk. It goes away by 16-20 weeks of pregnancy for most women, though in some it may last longer. You can beat it by changing your diet and lifestyle. Here’s 7 ways to beat morning sickness at work.

  1. Get plenty of rest

Being tired can make nausea feel worse. You can take a short nap during your lunch break in the office after you’ve eaten. When you wake up, do it slowly.

  1. Eat small but frequent foods and snacks

Snack frequently, but in small amounts at the office. Go for foods that are rich in carbohydrates and low in fat like crackers and biscuits. For lunch, incorporate low carbohydrates in your meal for instance rice. Avoid very sweet and spicy foods as they will make your morning sickness worse.

  1. Stay hydrated

Always have a water bottle or a glass of water at arms-reach within your workspace. However, don’t take a lot of it at once. Take a few sips at a time. If you don’t like taking water much, put a slice of lemon or orange in your water. The flavor can make a huge improvement in your water intake. You can also sip on other fluids like fresh orange or mango juice.

  1. Avoid triggers that make you sick

Steer clear of foods and smells that trigger your morning sickness. If it’s a restaurant that you and your workmates go frequently for lunch, but you can no longer handle the smell there, carry your lunch from home and eat at your desk.

  1. Let your colleagues know

If you work in an open office or share an office with a colleague, let them know that you’re pregnant. If they come wearing a perfume that makes you feel nauseated, tell them. They will most likely not wear it until your morning sickness wears off in a few weeks. You’ll be surprised by how, out of their way, they’ll go to help you manage.

  1. Wear loose, comfortable clothing

Ensure that you get a wardrobe change to accommodate your growing bump. Don’t try to fit in your gorgeous size 6 jeans that are now too tight. The tightness around the belly area makes food come up because you’re creating more pressure on your bladder and stomach. At 25 weeks pregnant, the baby in your uterus is big enough to cause pressure on your stomach. A loose dress would be great or get jeans for pregnant women, which have an elastic waist band.

  1. Medication

If symptoms persist, your doctor may recommend vitamin B6 supplements and an over the counter antihistamine called Doxylamine. This combination of drugs is safe for both you and your unborn baby.

If you experience severe nausea that prevents you from keeping any food down, contact your doctor. Not keeping food down means that your baby is not getting enough nutrients for growth and development. Also, contact your doctor if the vomiting is accompanied by pain and fever. These 7 tips will go a long way in helping you overcome morning sickness and enjoy your pregnancy at work.


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