Marketing strategies that work


Marketing is not an exact science. Quite often something that sounds like a great idea can fall flat on its face.

That is why it is essential to look at what the competition is doing. If what they are doing is working, why not take their techniques and add your own slant to them? It does not take a lot to carry out a marketing campaign in the modern world and these are strategies that have been proven to work.

Social media is your friend

Social media is an incredible tool when it is used well. There are currently two main ways that brands carry out social media marketing. The first way is the cheapest and the easiest to implement. Simply use your social media accounts to interact with people within your sphere. As long as your interactions are positive and show your company in a good light then it can help to improve your brand’s reputation. This works as a marketing campaign in itself. People will see your brand as a positive influence in the community and will be more likely to use the services that you offer. Going down this route it is vital that you engage someone like Reputation Defender to ensure that your social media is not hijacked by people with wicked intentions. They make sure that any falsehoods that are spread about you are swiftly nipped in the bud, to make sure that your brand does not have to worry about fighting fires that are not your fault. This is all a part of security within internet business, which is an important aspect of being successful.

Another way in which many companies use social media is through targeted ad campaigns. In this situation you create a post that has all of the relevant information you would want customers to know and pay for it to be promoted on social media. In this situation it is important to aim your adverts towards the demographic that your product or service is targeted at. This will ensure that the people who see the ad campaigns are more likely to find something useful from them and will be more likely to gravitate towards using your brand.

Email lists

While email lists are one of the oldest internet marketing techniques, they are relatively underused in an efficient manner. Lots of companies spam their users’ inboxes with useless emails that become annoying. This leads to users either unsubscribing or just deleting them instantly. The way to avoid the problem is by making sure that your emails do two specific things. Firstly, do not send out an email every single day. That will make the receiver feel they are being spammed. It instantly puts customers on the defensive and stops them from interacting with your content.

Secondly, make sure that each time you send out an email it has something of value to the customer. By offering value to your customers it will prompt them to open and read your email whenever it is sent. When you have their attention it is a lot easier to get them to spend their money on what you are offering. If you send out two emails a month that give your customers something of value, it will drive a significant amount more business your way than two emails a week that offer nothing of value. It also saves you time, effort and money.

Create good content

Content is a great way to get people to come to your website. If you can create high quality authoritative content then visitors are more likely to visit your website regularly. If they visit regularly then they are more likely to spend money on the product or service that you offer. When it comes to content it is a little bit of a paradox. You must take the advice you learned from email marketing, but you must also ignore the advice from email marketing. What does that mean? It is simple, really.

The first piece of advice was to not publish emails too often. When it comes to content the opposite is true. Because it is not being sent to the customer’s email inbox it will not be an annoyance. Regular content updates will keep people coming back to your website on a regular basis. However, the second piece of advice translates really well to content. Always make your content add value and to be informative. If it is good quality content then customers will keep coming back to read it and that can only be good for your business in the long run.


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