The Overlooked Aspects of a Healthy Lifestyle


Whether we like it or not, we’re bombarded with information these days about living in a healthy way, aren’t we?

There are obvious points like cutting out smoking and reducing alcohol consumption. Then on top of that there are all those pearls of wisdom about getting more exercise. (In fact with all the controversy over the Western Link proposal this is a great tip for Warrington as more walking and less driving would not only be good for us but better for the environment too!) But apart from all that obvious stuff there are also a couple of slightly overlooked aspects of general wellbeing that it’s worth paying attention to (and that are frankly easier to achieve!)….


Rest is far more important than a lot of us realise. Of course it’s easy to say “make sure you get 8 hours of sleep a night” but the truth is that this isn’t always possible. You might have a young child that cries throughout the night or it could be that stress from work makes it hard to drop off in the evening or wakes you early in the morning.

The trick here is to try and think “outside the box” a bit. Napping might sound like an activity for cranky toddlers but it works wonders for adults too. Go and find somewhere quiet on your lunch break, set the alarm on your phone to wake you after ten or fifteen minutes and then let yourself drift off. It might not come naturally at first, but once you’ve experienced the refreshing effect of this little technique it’s guaranteed you won’t look back.

Of course, this won’t make up for hours and hours of lost sleep at night and it might be that you simply need to renew your mattress. Better still: invest in a fresh start with one of those Ottoman beds. It might seem extravagant, but it’s all too easy to underestimate the importance of proper support for the back and the neck when it comes to restorative sleep, nice even moods throughout the day and a positive outlook.

Vitamins and Minerals

These days you don’t need to be dietician to understand that the vitamins and minerals that the body is provided with have a huge effect on everything from immunity to mind-set and overall wellbeing.

For instance, we all know now how important the vitamin C in a glass of orange juice is for defending the system against everyday colds, and we know that’s it crucial to get a good dose of vitamin D through sunlight. We also know little facts here and there; such as that fluoride is included in toothpaste as it helps protect and strengthen teeth.

However, going beyond this smattering of information, it’s a good idea to take a deeper look at what you’re consuming as part of your everyday diet and what might be missing from it. Did you know that zinc, found in eggs and seafood is needed for healthy skin? Or that selenium found in garlic helps protect cells from damage? There’s a great guide here that’s worth looking through so you’re clued up about what should and shouldn’t be doing to maintain your good health.


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