Lymm Rugby Club expansion gets the go-ahead


BOROUGH planning chiefs have given the go-ahead for Lymm Rugby Club’s ambitious plans for the redevelopment of their ground and clubhouse in Crouchley Lane.
But they had added additional conditions to try and accommodate the concerns of local people worried about parking problems, including coach parking.
Fifteen nearby residents had objected to the proposals which include include construction of a new purpose built clubhouse, multi-sports facility, four tennis courts, a 3G playing pitch, conversion of the existing clubhouse into four residential dwellings and construction of 10 new houses, together with landscaping, infrastructure and engineering works.
The objectors were mainly from people living in Manor Road and  Crouchley Lane  and there was also an objection from Lymm Parish Council.
The main objections related to parking issues in Crouchley Lane where, objectors claim there are existing problems which would be worsened by further residential development.
There were also concerns about late night social activities, the scale of buildings having a harmful impact on the Green Belt, loss of privacy, noise, dust, glare from floodlights, etc.
The club had more than 60 letters of support – but residents claimed these were mostly from people outside the local area.
Lymm Parish Council said it appreciated the club needs improves facilities but objected in line with its policy of opposing  all building within the Green Belt.
Planning officers acknowledged that the development was inappropriate in the Green Belt – but  recommended approval because of “special circumstances”.


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