Frodsham’s EU Referendum debate


MORE than 80 people attended an EU Referendum debate organised jointly by members of Frodsham Town Council and Frodsham Transition Initiative.
A panel of experts gave presentations on the arguments “for and against” both sides of the debate.
The panel comprised “Remain” speakers Sajjid Karim MEP and Professor Michael Dougan, Professor of EU Law at the University of Liverpool, and “Leave” speakers Alan Halsall, director and owner of Silver Cross Nursery products and Cllr Neil Sullivan of CW&C council.
The debate was open to all members of the community and after the presentations there was a question and answer session involving the audience.
A spokesman for the organisers said: “In presenting their views the panel were articulate and challenging, contentious but not aggressive.
“Notably, Professor Dougan was able to supply a view of our relationship with the EU that was both factual and without bias. There was good feedback from those who attended who all said they appreciated being able to hear both sides of the argument.
“The debate now continues in the lead up to Referendum day on Thursday.
“Frodsham residents have had a valuable opportunity to hear the many aspects of the debate before finally casting their vote in the most important decision of this generation.”


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