“Human rights are for us all”


WARRINGTON Borough Council supported National Mental Capacity Action Day by asking employees to sign up to a “Wall of Unwise Decisions”.
The council joined the national campaign to get employees to twitter their unwise decisions to demonstrate that when the majority of us make an unwise decision, nobody generally questions or challenges our capacity.
However this might not be the case for all – particularly older people or those with a disability.
Cllr Pat Wright, the council’s lead member for statutory health and adult social care, said: “Sharing and understanding our rights to make unwise decisions supports our understanding and application of the Mental Capacity Act and the rights of citizens.
“The wall was a visual aid to raise awareness around the empowering ethos of the Mental Capacity Act. The general idea is that human rights are for all and that the Mental Capacity Act applies to us all equally.”
As well as the “wall of unwise decisions”, there was information available on the day on the assessment of capacity, best interest decision making, lasting powers of attorney and advance decisions to refuse treatment.
The National Mental Capacity Action Day is to increase awareness of the Mental Capacity Act and to highlight good practice.
More than 30 local authorities and ten universities as well as a growing number of NHS trusts took part in the twitter campaign.
For more information contact: uk.pinterest.com/adultpsw/mca-call-to-action/


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