PUBLIC speaking club Warrington Toastmasters has revealed the winners and runners-up in two club contests – all of who will go on to compete at Area level next month.
The club held its Evaluation Contest and its International Speech Contest at Warrington’s Village Hotel.
Club president and contestant Kevin Harrington said: “Toastmaster competitions always deliver a special experience.
“For the audience, it is an opportunity to hear some of the club’s best speakers; for the speakers themselves, it is an opportunity to speak in a competitive environment which is great practice for real world situations.”
Toastmasters evaluation contests assess both the critical thinking and speaking skills of the competitors.
Winners were: 1, Gayna Cooper; 2, Kevin Harrington; 3, Sivan Zohar.
The International Speech contest kicks off the start of an international contest, which will end at the Toastmasters International Convention, being held this August in Washington, DC.
International Speeches are judged on originality and the quality of the delivery.
Winners were 1, Gayna Cooper; 2, Marie-Claire Broad-Davies; 3, Wendy Telfer.
Warrington Toastmasters meets every Monday at 7.30 pm at the Village Hotel.
For more information about the club, visit

Contest chairman Sandra Leyland-Williams presents Gaynor Cooper with her Evaluation prize watched by contestant Sivan Zohar
Club that talks its way to success