WARRINGTON’S popular Digital Mayor has made a public apology on social media after his mayoral car was pictured parking in a disabled bay outside Orford Park’s Jubilee Hub.
Commenting on the photograph which was posted on twitter the Mayor posted an apology on his Facebook page.
Cllr Settle posted: “I must apologise for the Mayoral car being inappropriately parked outside the Jubilee Hub on Saturday afternoon.
“We had been attending the Warrington Disability Partnership sponsored swim and at the Jubilee Hub and we were in the process of leaving the event.
“Our attendant said that he would go and move the car closer to the entrance. He is acutely aware that I am struggling to walk even short distances at the moment. He said that he would wait outside the entrance and meet us at the entrance to the hub.
“I have been suffering for 6 months with some sort of injury to my left knee that has got progressively worse. It is painfully restricting movement a lot of the time when I walk. I have been told it is out of alignment by my physio but it’s not improved even with the exercises he has given me. My right knee was operated on a few years ago and this has been sorted so hopefully the knife might sort out this issue.
“As we were leaving the swimming pool we were called back because a shoal of WDP swimmers had just completed their allotted number of lengths. How could we not present another batch of certificates along with photographs at pool side with each swimmer?
“We also took time to have a brief word with each competitor to find out more about their achievement. Many of who had swum further than they had ever before. Some had managed 64 lengths or a mile and one even managed 160! Whatever the distance they had all done a fantastic job.
“You can see and read all about it on the Mayor of Warrington’s Facebook site. I believe that they are on track to have raised at least £1,000 and possibly up to £2,000.
“Our attendant has apologised for parking in the disabled bay, there is no excuse for it, not even easing my walk. He did wait within eyesight of the vehicle in case anyone else wanted the parking spot, especially the disabled swimmers.”
Cllr Settle will complete his term of office in two months time and has proved to be a hugely popular Mayor, embracing digital technology to showcase the number of community events and businesses he has been visiting during his term of office.
He has attended literally hundreds of events.
Meanwhile he has been controversially been de-selected by the Labour party and will not be seeking re-election in the May elections.