THE sun is shining, the sky is blue – but the Met Office has issued a Level 2 cold weather alert for the North West and Warrington Borough Council is asking residents to take extra care and look out for others.
A Level 2 alert is triggered when there is a 60 per cent chance of severe weather within the next 48 hours, meaning average temperatures have dropped to 2C° or less.
Any disruption to council services including bin collections, school and road closures will be posted on the council website.
Cllr Maureen McLaughlin (pictured), the council’s lead member for public health and wellbeing said: “Remember to check weather forecasts and plan the day around them.
“If you have to go out, dress warmly and wear non-slip shoes to limit any falls. Also be sure to tell someone where you are going and an expected time when you will return. If you have a mobile phone, try to carry this with you, charged, so you can contact someone in case of an emergency.
“It is important to stay warm indoors particularly if you’re 65 or over, have long term health conditions or young children. Wear lots of thin layers, eat warm food and remember that moving about will help keep you warm.”
Advice on how to reduce personal risk is available at and from local chemists.
Anybody concerned about their own or somebody else’s health should call NHS 111.
*Heavy snow is reported in the Blackburn area.