MORGAN Tarr, controversial Labour candidate for Warrington’s Orford Ward, took advantage of an early opportunity to make an impression on locals when shadow education secretary Lucy Powell visited Warrington.
Ms Powell visited the Sandy Lane Sure Start children’s centre in Orford where she met Mr Tarr and others.
The borough council has started a consultation on a possible move for the children’s centre from Sandy Lane to Capesthorne Road and this has caused some concern for local residents.
Mr Tarr said: “I have been contacted by a number of residents who are concerned about the possibility of the Sure Start centre moving from Sandy Lane. I was delighted to have been able to raise the issue with our Shadow Education Secretary Lucy Powell and to highlight the important contribution that the centre makes to the local area.
“I am determined to work with the council to ensure that the views of local residents are heard and that everything is being done to keep this vital service here for the benefit of Orford residents.”
Mr Tarr was at the centre of an internal row in the local Labour Party when he was selected as a candidate for the Orford ward in the May elections in preference to popular and long-standing Cllr Kate Hannon, who was deselected.
Controversial candidate meets shadow education secretary