Tax changes which could costs community sports clubs like Warrington Sports Club thousands of pounds were challenged in Parliament this week by local MP, David Mowat.
Currently many amateur sports clubs can benefit from tax reliefs if they apply for Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) status.
However, new rules introduced by HMRC will increase the red tape involved for clubs to comply with the rules as well as potentially disqualifying some clubs from joining the scheme.
Mr Mowat used the debate to criticise HMRC for adding further red tape to a system they themselves admit is “complex and confusing” – especially against a backdrop of falling sports participation and rising obesity rates.
David Mowat MP said: “Our amateur sports clubs do a tremendous amount to keep more people, particularly children participating in sports.
“It’s sad that, just as we need to be straining every sinew to encourage more people to take part in sporting activities, HMRC is trying to make life more difficult with well-intentioned but poorly thought-through rules.
“This is a point I intend to pursue.”