MARIE Curie is appealing to the people of Warrington to help raise thousands of pounds by looking after collection tins in their local area.
The charity needs more people to help manage collection tins that are in shops, bars and restaurants throughout the area – especially in North Warrington.
The money raised from these tins helps to provide one-to-one nursing care for terminally ill people in their own home.
Holly Fraser, local community fundraiser said: “Looking after the collection tins is a really effective way to help support local Marie Curie nurses.
“We’ve got tins out in shops and pubs but no one to look after them, so they aren’t raising as much money as they could, which in turn affects the amount of Marie Curie nursing we can provide. We’re looking for people who can go around sites in their local area once every three months to replace the full tin with an empty one, then count and bank the money raised”.
The more money raised, the more people in Warrington living with a terminal illness can access free Marie Curie nursing care, enabling them to be at home, surrounded by their families and the things they hold most dear in their final days.
Get in touch today if you would like more information and can give up a few hours to help fund local care. Call Holly at the fundraising office on 0161 255 2800
Charity appeals for fundraisers